
Faculty and Staffx
New Staff at Glenville State College
The Glenville State College family has welcomed several new staff members over the last semester. The following are among some of those new employees. Others will be introduced periodically.
Online International Learning Connects West Virginia and Hispanic Cultures
Preparing today's students for living and working in a global community is an important aspect to the educational and social programs at Glenville State College. Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a new way that students and faculty on the campus are doing just that.
New Faculty at Glenville State College
The Glenville State College family has welcomed several new faculty members over the last semester. The following are among some of those new professors. Others will be introduced periodically.
GSC Forest Technology Program Accredited by National Organization
The Associate of Science in Forest Technology program at Glenville State College has been awarded accreditation by the Society of American Foresters (SAF). The SAF is the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in the United States and is the largest professional society for foresters in the world.
Recycling at GSC set to Expand with DEP Grant
Glenville State College has received one of the 35 West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) Rehabilitation Environmental Action Program (REAP) Recycling Assistance Grant Program awards.
GSC Honors Employees for Years of Service
Glenville State College honored twelve faculty and staff at its annual Service Awards Luncheon that was held in conjunction with the annual employee holiday luncheon on Friday, December 11 in the Mollohan Campus Community Center.
GSC Ranked #1 in Criminal Justice Program Assessment
Glenville State College's Criminal Justice Department has been ranked as the #1 Top School Supporting Careers in Corrections & Criminal Justice in West Virginia by
Equipment Grant to help GSC Students
Glenville State College has received an instrumentation grant from the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Division of Science and Research. The Division of Science and Research grants monies to institutions for the improvement of undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education in West Virginia.