Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy

Financial education fosters financial stability for individuals, families, and entire communities. The more people know about credit and banking services, the more likely they are to increase savings, buy homes, and improve their financial health and wellbeing.

Financial Avenue sponsored by Inceptia

Put your finances on the right path.

Sign up and get started. The access code for Glenville State University is p14p26.

Access this information to fulfill GSU 100 requirements and learn more about important financial topics.

Financial Avenue offers a range of online courses, budgeting tools and to help students and adults gain life-long knowledge about the basics of personal money management. These courses are for all types of students and age groups.

Financial Aid Calculators

Various calculators for college savings and expected family contribution (EFC) can be found at:

Student loan simulators can be found at Loan Simulator | Federal Student Aid.

Credit Scoring

Credit Cards

Mapping Your Future

Here you can explore careers, prepare for college (help with selecting a school and applying for admission), pay for college (financial aid), and manage your money (student loans and more).

Tips on Saving Money