The Latest Glenville News
Mother’s Day Brunch Planned at GSC
date_rangeMay 3, 2010
Treat mom to a special Mother’s Day Brunch on Sunday, May 9, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Mollohan's Restaurant at Glenville State College.
West Virginia House Majority Leader Brent Boggs/GSC Alum to Give Keynote Address at GSC Commencement
date_rangeApril 30, 2010
Nicholas County Businessman/GSC Alum Speaks at Luncheon
date_rangeApril 28, 2010
GSC Land Surveying alum Marshall W. Robinson visited his alma mater to deliver a speech at the Student Support Services St. Patrick's Day Luncheon presentation on March 17th.
GSC Students Recognized at Honors Convocation
date_rangeApril 28, 2010
The 2010 Glenville State College Honors Convocation has been held to recognize the top students of the school year.
GSC Alumni Honored at Banquet
date_rangeApril 27, 2010
Outstanding alumni were honored at Glenville State College's 2010 Alumni Day on Saturday, April 24th.
Spring Cleaning GSC Campus
date_rangeApril 26, 2010
Glenville State College Maintenance and Physical Plant employees are busy sprucing up the campus.
Significant Gift Announced at GSC Alumni Day Dinner
date_rangeApril 26, 2010
Glenville State College alum Margaret Miller Goodwin ‘51 has pledged a significant gift toward the Transforming Lives Now! capital campaign.
GSC Business Advisory Board Meets
date_rangeApril 26, 2010
GSC Advisory Board meets.
Glenville State College Finalizes Plans for Alumni Day
date_rangeApril 23, 2010
GSC Holds Vigil for Fallen Miners
date_rangeApril 22, 2010
GSC holds a vigil for the fallen miners of the Upper Big Branch Mine explosion.