
GSC Psychology Class Conducts On-Campus Experiment
The American Cancer Society Relay for Life received the financial benefits of a brief experiment that was conducted on Monday morning March 7th by Dr. Ida Mills’ Social Psychology class.
GSC Participates in Higher Education Day
Higher Education Day 2011 was held at the West Virginia State Capitol on Thursday, February 17th. The Glenville State College booth highlighted the unique Hidden Promise Scholar program. GSC was also represented by five freshmen Hidden Promise Scholars: Devan Snyder, Nick Lambert, Travis Nesbitt, Brittany Hanshaw, and Sara Linger.
Glenville State College Provost's Honor List for Fall 2010
Glenville State College has announced the names of GSC students who attained the Provost's Honor List for the Fall 2010 semester. To be named to the Provost's Honor List, a student must have a minimum 3.5 grade point average.
Glenville State College President's Honor List for Fall 2010
Glenville State College has announced the names of GSC students who attained the President's Honor List for the Fall 2010 semester. To be named to the President's Honor List, a student must have a 4.0 grade point average.
GSC Has Sixty-Seven December Graduates
A Recognition Program for sixty-seven Glenville State College December graduates was held on Thursday, December 9, 2010 in the Mollohan Campus Community Center Ballroom.