Eight Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics) students from Glenville State College, accompanied by program coordinator Meredith Gillett, attended the 2011 Management/Leadership Institute (AHMI) held January 3-6 in Orlando, Florida.
The symposium, held in a different location each year, is a capstone event which provides workshops, actual case studies from area nonprofit organizations, and nationally-recognized nonprofit leaders as plenary speakers from across the sector. “AHMI 2011 provided students with the opportunity to experience a variety of real-life business situations. I am confident that I will be able to draw from the entire experience for many years to come in my professional career,” said Kayla Miller, a junior Accounting major from Calhoun County.
Fundraising is critical to student attendance at the institute, just as it is in any nonprofit organization. Students raised approximately $800 per person to cover conference registration and travel expenses through a variety of fundraising efforts including a direct mail campaign to family, friends, and a few local business leaders. "The professional atmosphere of the conference and events that provide endless networking opportunities make fundraising to get there worthwhile," said Brittany Williamson, a sophomore Marketing major from Wirt County.
Seeking certification in Nonprofit Management and Leadership through the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance requires a student to: attend one AHMI, meet 13 professional development competencies, demonstrate leadership and service to the community, complete a 300-clock-hour internship in a nonprofit organization, and earn a baccalaureate degree, according to Gillett. “It takes dedication to academics, to fundraising efforts, and to the community to meet these requirements,” stated Gillett. “These students want to make a difference in their communities and will be prepared to do just that.”
Students at Glenville State College are able to earn certification and/or a minor in Nonprofit Leadership and Management and currently GSC is the only institution in the state of West Virginia to offer the certification program. For more information regarding the nonprofit programs or to make a charitable donation, contact Gillett at Meredith.Gillett@glenville.edu or log onto www.nonprofitleadershipalliance.org or call 304-462-6260.
Media Contact:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department
Glenville State College
304-462-7361ext. 6390