The Latest Glenville News
GSC Purchases Conrad Motel
date_rangeJuly 2, 2008
The Glenville State College Housing Corporation is the new owner of the Conrad Motel in Glenville.
GSC Relay for Life Team Exceeds Goal
date_rangeJuly 1, 2008
GSC's Relay for Life collects $41,000.
Student Community Service Program Needs Ideas
date_rangeJuly 1, 2008
GSC students and staff need help in finding local groups in need.
GSC Student Returns From Middle East Study Abroad
date_rangeJune 30, 2008
Joshua James returns from studying abroad in the Middle East.
GSC to Host First Annual Athletic Sports Fest
date_rangeJune 26, 2008
GSC's Athletic Department held the First Annual Athletic Sports Fest.
GSC to Host First Annual Athletic Sports Fest
date_rangeJune 26, 2008
The Glenville State College Athletic Department will be hosting the First Annual Athletic Sports Fest.
GSC Criminal Justice Camp to Stage Murder Trial
date_rangeJune 25, 2008
Ten students from eight different West Virginia counties are learning a lot about the CriminaMore at CJ Camp
GSC senior James Caudill of Clay county shows Arianna Rickman (center) and Sierra Warner, both of Upshur County how to use the Ballistics Microscope.l Justice system while attending the Glenville State College Criminal Justice Camp.
Pioneer Softball Team to Host Tournament
date_rangeJune 23, 2008
The Glenville State College Pioneer Softball Team is hosting the 2nd Annual Sue Morris Complex Invitational Softball Tournament.
Energy Express Kicks off Another Summer at GSC
date_rangeJune 23, 2008
Energy Express, an award-winning statewide reading program, has kicked off its second summer at Glenville State College.
GSC Professor Judges International Conference
date_rangeJune 22, 2008
Professor Bone served as Head Judge for the International Euphonium Solo Competition Young Artist Division at the International Tuba and Euphonium Conference.