
Premium Night Scheduled for November 18 at GSC
The public is invited to Mollohan’s Restaurant at Glenville State College on Wednesday, November 18 from 4:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. for a Thanksgiving-themed Premium Night.
Land Resources Students Participate in Fire Protection Course
Glenville State College students in the Department of Land Resources’ Fire Protection course recently teamed up with the WV Division of Forestry to learn about wildfires and how fires from controlled burns are a vital tool in the line of defense against an uncontrolled burning landscape.
Glenville State Trillium Accepting Submissions
The Trillium, Glenville State College’s literary and arts journal, is now accepting submissions for the 2021 issue. All GSC students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members are invited to submit visual art, poetry, fiction, song lyrics, and other forms of creative expression.