FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 17, 2020
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV – There may still be some autumn leaves clinging to the trees at Glenville State College, but don’t be confused if you glance around campus and see a Christmas tree or a festive wreath as well. The campus is just making sure that students are able to experience as many end-of-year holidays as possible before the in-person semester wraps up.
In-person classes for the fall 2020 semester end on Friday, November 20. Students then return home for Thanksgiving Break before completing the semester with a week of virtual classes followed by final exams that will be administered remotely. The change was made in an effort to mitigate community spread of the Coronavirus.
“Since this term is ending differently than it normally would, we wanted to ensure that the students got to see campus decorated, not only for fall, but also for the Christmas holiday before they headed home. I’m never one to wish time away by rushing one holiday before another, but this is an unusual semester and I think we can all use a little holiday cheer,” said GSC President Dr. Mark Manchin.
“I really appreciate the hard work of our Physical Plant staff in placing all of the decorations and want to express my thanks to our employees and students for also getting into the spirit and decorating their offices and rooms. I just love seeing the campus decorated for the holidays,” said GSC First Lady Gigi Manchin.
In addition to a small tree lighting ceremony held in the Robert F. Kidd Library on Wednesday, November 4, many campus offices have also added decorations to their spaces and the Heflin Administration Building Clock Tower chimes have been playing familiar holiday tunes.