FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 25, 2020
For more information:
Public Relations Department
Glenville State College
(304) 462-6394
GLENVILLE, WV – Glenville State College’s fall 2020 Commencement Ceremony took place on Saturday, November 21 in the College’s Waco Center.
Glenville State was among few other institutions to hold an in-person ceremony this fall. The commencement ceremony at GSC traditionally marks the true end of the semester. However, this semester it marked the end of on-campus course delivery for all students. The semester will continue for two additional weeks following Thanksgiving Break due to an adjusted academic calendar that was adopted for COVID-19 precautions.
Students who participated in the ceremony will soon complete requirements for an Associate or Bachelor’s Degree in a variety of programs including business, education, land resources, criminal justice, science, music, and more.
Prospective graduates were limited to two guests in order to keep the gathering small. Glenville State College’s President Dr. Mark A. Manchin delivered remarks to those assembled for the ceremony before students had the opportunity to cross the commencement stage.
The last day of classes of the fall 2020 semester at Glenville State is Friday, December 4. Final exams will be administered virtually Monday, December 7 through Thursday, December 10.