
Faculty and Staffx
Presentation on Geodetic Surveying Coming to GSC
Appalachian Regional Geodetic Advisor for the National Geodetic Survey (NGS), Jeff Jalbrzikowski, will be at Glenville State College on Wednesday, February 12 at 12:00 p.m. for a presentation titled “Geodetic Surveying in the USA – Past, Present, and Future.”
Little Kanawha Reading Series Coming to Glenville
A new campus-community activity is being developed through the collaborative efforts of the Glenville State College Department of Language and Literature, the Robert F. Kidd Library, and the Gilmer Public Library.
Attend the SPBGMA 46th Annual Bluegrass Music Awards with GSC
Everyone is invited to attend the Society for the Preservation of Bluegrass Music of America’s (SPBGMA) 46th Annual Bluegrass Music Awards and National Convention. Sponsored by Glenville State College’s Pioneer Stage Bluegrass Music Education Center, a bus trip to the convention is available for community members wishing to attend.
Ring in the New Year at the Pioneer Stage
Everyone is invited to the Pioneer Stage on Tuesday, December 31 beginning at 6:00 p.m. for a New Year’s Eve Party. The event will include board games, food, jam sessions, and of course watching the ball drop on live television. Community members are asked to bring a covered dish.
Final Call for Submissions for the 2020 GSC Trillium
The Trillium, Glenville State College’s literary and arts journal, is still accepting submissions for the 2020 issue. All GSC students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members are invited to submit visual art, poetry, fiction, song lyrics, and other forms of creative expression.