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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 24, 2020
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
Glenville, WV – The Glenville State College Department of Land Resources has received a $15,000 grant from the EQT Foundation to help promote science education within high schools in West Virginia through the GSC Natural Resource Management (NRMT) High School Program.
The program will host a series of presentations on career opportunities in forestry, land surveying, energy and land management, environmental science, wildlife management, and the applications of geospatial technology in natural resource management, as well as connect high school teachers and students with GSC faculty and students for a mentorship program. The mentorship program will engage students in the areas of forestry, land surveying, energy and land management, environmental science, wildlife management, and criminal justice. Through the program, students will have the opportunity to earn college credits toward a degree in Natural Resource Management or other degree programs at Glenville State College while still in high school.
Participating West Virginia counties include Doddridge, Gilmer, Marion, Pocahontas, Ritchie, Tyler, and Wetzel.
“I am very grateful to the EQT Foundation for the grant that we have received from them,” said Department of Land Resources Chair and Professor of Forestry Dr. Rico Gazal. “This will be a tremendous help in terms of promoting STEM education in West Virginia through the NRMT program that we offer in the Department of Land Resources. The grant will also allow us to promote GSC’s online dual-credit program with courses in environmental science, geographic information systems, land surveying, and more. We will also link interested high school students to our faculty and students as part of the mentorship component of the grant.”
“We strive to identify and support opportunities that impact the communities we serve in meaningful ways,” said EQT Foundation Manager Ellen Rossi. “Education is a core focus of the EQT Foundation, and we’re proud to partner with Glenville State on this innovative program that helps to enlighten students across West Virginia on programs and potential careers that are important the state.”
The EQT Foundation was established by EQT Corporation, one of the nation’s premier natural gas producers. The EQT Foundation has developed strong partnerships with a variety of nonprofit organizations to enrich the diversity and viability of local communities, sustain the principles of continuous learning, and focus on environmental protection efforts. For more information on the EQT Foundation, visit their website.
To learn more about the Land Resources academic programs at Glenville State College, contact the Department of Land Resources at Land.Resources@glenville.edu or (304) 462-6370.