
No Tuition Hike for 2017-18 at Glenville State College
Despite another year of appropriation cuts to higher education in the Mountain State, Glenville State College announced Thursday that it would not be increasing student tuition and fees to offset the difference. Backed by the College’s Board of Governors, alumni, faculty, staff, students, and community members, incoming Glenville State College President Dr. Tracy Pellett made the announcement at GSC’s Waco Center.
Glenville State College History Book Now Available
A full-color photo and history book about the last twenty years at Glenville State College has recently been completed. The book, Preserving and Responding, can be purchased from the Glenville State College Foundation or at the campus Bookstore for $24.99 (shipping included). The book is a companion to Nelson Wells’ and Charles Holt’s Lighthouse on the Hill, which chronicled the College’s history from 1872 through 1997.
Kids Swim Camp to be held at GSC
Glenville State College will be the site of a Swim Camp being held this summer for local children in order to teach them about water safety and swimming techniques. The day camp is scheduled to take place Tuesday, May 30 through Friday, June 16. Each week the camp will run Tuesday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until noon. The camp will take place in GSC’s Health and Physical Education Building.
Commencement Ceremony is May 6 at GSC
The 143rd Glenville State College Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 6 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the college’s Waco Center.
Parkersburg Couple Form Scholarships to Support GSC Pioneer, Education Students
Ronald V. and Kathryn J. Stoops, of Parkersburg, West Virginia, have recently funded a dual scholarship program that will allow for $1,000 awards to be made annually to the Glenville State College Pioneer Mascot as well as an upperclassman education major from Wood County, WV who graduated from Parkersburg High School, Parkersburg South High School, Williamstown High School, or Parkersburg Catholic High School.
GSC Concert Band to Hold Spring Concert
Members of the Glenville State College Concert Band will be performing their annual spring concert on Friday, April 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the GSC Fine Arts Center Auditorium.
GSC Hosts IOGA-WV Members for Spring Meeting
On Wednesday, April 12, Glenville State College hosted the spring meeting of the Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia (IOGA-WV) in the College’s Waco Center. The event was sponsored by GSC and SLS Land and Energy Development.