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Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
Students swim in the GSC Pool
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College will be the site of a Swim Camp being held this summer for local children in order to teach them about water safety and swimming techniques. The day camp is scheduled to take place Tuesday, May 30 through Friday, June 16. Each week the camp will run Tuesday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until noon. The camp will take place in GSC’s Health and Physical Education Building.
Children ages 6 through 14 are invited to participate. Cost is $75 per week and $200 for all three weeks. The camp is limited to 20 children each week.
The daily camp itinerary includes approximately two (nonconsecutive) hours in the pool and two (nonconsecutive) hours in the classroom. Swimming lessons and water safety instruction will be included in the camp.
The first and second weeks of the camp will center on swimming basics followed by advanced swimming and related topics during the third week.
Camp director Jennifer Wenner says, “Many kids will be around the water this summer and it’s important they know not only how to move through the water, but also how to be safe in and around it.”
For more information or to sign up, contact Jennifer Wenner via e-mail at or by calling (304) 462-6436.