The Latest Glenville News
Glenville State University Enrollment Increases by 10% Despite State and National Trends
date_rangeJanuary 31, 2025GSU Students Enjoying Starbucks on Campus

Mayberry Returns with Doug Dillard Coming to GSC
date_rangeSeptember 22, 2010
Bluegrass Concert with Doug Dillard.

GSC Grad Featured in Charleston Newspaper
date_rangeSeptember 16, 2010
Aaron Fiddler Featured in Charleston Newspaper.

Constitution Day Celebration Held at GSC
date_rangeSeptember 15, 2010
The GSC Department of Social Sciences and the West Virginia Zeta Chapter of Pi Gamma Mu, the Social Science Honor Society sponsored the sixth annual Constitution Day Ceremony.

Long Time Alumni Chapter Leader Passes
date_rangeSeptember 13, 2010
John D. Cutlip, Glenville State College’s long time representative for the Shenandoah Valley Alumni Chapter passed away

GSC Faculty Member Featured in WVU Alumni Magazine
date_rangeSeptember 13, 2010
Onick Lewis a GSC Facility Member Featured in WVU Alumni Magazine

GSC Welcome Back Premium Night
date_rangeSeptember 9, 2010
Welcome Back Premium Night!

GSC Fall 2010 Pioneer Preview
date_rangeSeptember 8, 2010
GSC Pioneer Preview.

GSC Gallery Exhibit 'From the Muddy Banks of the Monongahela' Opens
date_rangeSeptember 8, 2010
The Glenville State College Fine Arts Gallery is now open with "From the Muddy Banks of the Monongahela."

GSC Organization Announces Scholastic Book Fair
date_rangeAugust 31, 2010
Scholastic Book Fair in the GSC Mollohan Center.

GSC Lady Pioneer Basketball Chili Cook-Off
date_rangeAugust 31, 2010
The GSC Lady Pioneer Basketball team is sponsoring a ‘Chili Cook-Off’