Report a Complaint or Incident

Title IX Incident Report Form

Anyone with knowledge of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, domestic misconduct, stalking, retaliation, and prohibited relationships is encouraged to fill out this form. If you are a Glenville State University employee and have such knowledge, you must fill out this form unless you have been explicitly told that you are a GSU counselor who is exempt from such disclosure. If you are making this report on behalf of someone else, you should let that person know that you must report what you have learned, but that confidential counseling is available at Mollohan Center and with the H.O.P.E. Advocate.

Title IX Incident Report Form

Title IX Formal Complaint Form

This form should be completed and submitted by the person who has allegedly experienced a Prohibited Conduct, in violation of our Policy.  If you are a Responsible Reporter or Third Party Reporter, please complete the Reporting link.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. ยง 1681) is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex of students and employees of educational institutions which receive federal financial assistance. When this form has been completed and signed by you, and then signed by the Title IX Coordinator, your complaint has been properly received and noted by the University.  The Formal Complaint Form is required to initiate the formal resolution process (investigation and hearing or informal resolution).

Grievance Process

Once you submit via the Incident Report Form or the Complaint Form, the complaint will enter the grievance process. To view details of the grievance process, click on the button below:

Grievance Process


Sex discrimination includes discrimination based on pregnancy and such discrimination is prohibited and illegal in admissions, educational programs and activities, hiring, leave policies, employment policies, and health insurance coverage. Title IX requires that pregnant students be treated the same way as a student with any other temporary disability, and they must be given an opportunity to make up missed work wherever possible. Under Title IX,GSU provides reasonable accommodations to those who are pregnant or who experience a pregnancy-related condition.

If need further assistance pleas reach out to the Title IX Coordinator.

For more information about pregnancy in higher education, visit The Pregnant Scholar.