Title IX Grievance Process

Title IX Grievance Process

The following page highlights the steps of the Title IX Grievance Process. Download the PDF below to download all the infographics as a combined PDF:

The General Process

GSU Title IX Grievance Process Infographic

The Title IX grievance process is composed of five steps, which will be elaborated on below:

Step 1: Intake

Title IX Coordinator receives Report or Notification and responds by reaching out.

Step 2: Assessment

Title IX conducts initial assessment of the nature and circumstances of the report or allegation made.

Note: Steps 3 - 5 do not apply to all reported incidents.

Step 3: Formal Investigation

Title IX team launches a formal investigation at the discretion of the Title IX team.

Step 4: Hearing

This is a process to determine if a school policy has been violated (either party can contest with evidence).

Step 5: Appeal

Opportunity to appeal sanction.


Step 1: Intake

Title IX receives a report or notification:

  • Title IX Coordinator reaches out to affected party/person
  • Title IX Coordinator meets with affected party to address report
  • Title IX Coordinator gives supportive measures as well as H.O.P.E. Advocate info.
  • Affected party goes over what "next steps" they want to take.
Title IX Grievance Process: Intake


Step 2: Assessment

Title IX Grievance Process: Assessment Infographic

After Title IX receives a report and notification and reviews and reaches out to affected parties, there are three options:

Option 1

Interim remedies and supportive measures. 

These can include all, some or none of the following:

  • Academic accommodations
  • Change of school and/or work schedule
  • Dorm room change
  • No-contact Order
  • Public Safety Escort
  • Victim Advocate Outreach
  • Assistance reporting to law enforcement

Option 2

Information Resolution

Both parties volunteer to a set of actions, which may include:

  • Educating and addressing concerns with respondent
  • Counseling
  • Training
  • Mediation
  • Mutual agreement

Option 3

Formal Complaint/Investigation

Formal investigation will be requested as the outcome and Title IX Team and investigator will begin.


Step 3: Formal Investigation

If, after assessment, a formal investigation is deemed necessary, such an investigation will include the following steps:

  • Interview - The complainant, respondent, and witnesses will be interviewed
  • Collect Evidence
  • Statements Collected and Reviewed
  • Summary
  • Notice - The investigator issues a Summary of Findings and Preliminary Determination
Title IX Grievance Process: Formal Investigation


Step 4: Hearing

Title IX Grievance Process: Hearing Infographic

The Title IX Panel Hearing has three steps:


This step includes:

  • Questioning
  • Credibility Assessment
  • Determination & Rationale
  • Sanctions
  • Remedies


  • Decision-makers determine what occurred based on the standard of evidence

Making a Final Determination

  • Decision-makers determine whether what occurred is a policy violation applying the standard of evidence
  • Decision-makers consider each allegation individually for each respondent

Standard of Evidence

Decision-makers may apply either a preponderance of the evidence standard or the clear and convincing evidence standard. Preponderance of the evidence is the current industry standard.

Standard of evidence must be consistent for all formal complaints of sexual harassment.


Step 5: Appeal

Grounds for Appeal include:

  • Procedure irregularity
  • Conflict based on bias or conflict of interest from authoritative governing the hearing
  • New evidence that could affect the outcome
  • The institution could possibly have more appeal grounds

Appeal Decision-Maker Determinations may include:

  • Upholding: Keep the original determination
  • Remanding: complaint is up for reconsideration and more investigation
  • Overturning: Changing a determination on the decision
  • Modifying: Adjusting the original determination/sanction.
Title IX Grievance Process: Appeal Infographic