
GSC Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for Pioneer Center
On Tuesday, July 12, blue and white shovels broke ground on the Pioneer Center, a $25,000,000 facility that will house the college's Land Resources department, a 3,000-seat sports arena, and other athletic facilities and offices.
GSC Holds Tenth Grade Hidden Promise Camp
The tenth grade Hidden Promise Consortium Camp recently wrapped up at Glenville State College. Hidden Promise students took part in ACT prep classes, leadership and team-building activities, financial aid counseling, and more.
Recent GSC grad turns internship into full-time job
Glenville State College graduate Joe Evans is already putting his degree to good use. Evans just walked across the commencement stage on May 14, but is already working full-time. Fortunately for him he knows his employer well, he interned there while he was still a student.
GSC SIFE Chapter Collecting Food for the Hungry
The GSC SIFE team has pledged to collect 5,000 pounds of non-perishable food items by mid-April that will be donated to local food pantries to help families in Gilmer County and the surrounding areas.
GSC Student Receives National Scholarship
Courtney Clevenger, a Lewis County native and junior music education major at Glenville State College, has been chosen as one of eight female college students in the nation for the 2010 Women's Band Directors International Scholarships.