The Latest Glenville News
Commencement Ceremony is May 9th at GSC
date_rangeMay 1, 2015
The 141st Glenville State College Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 9th beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the college's Waco Center.
Spring Interns Complete Student Teaching for GSC
date_rangeMay 1, 2015
Fifteen students have completed their student teaching internships for Glenville State College and have qualified for May graduation.
Roush Named New Pioneer Mascot
date_rangeMay 1, 2015
Matthew Roush, a freshman from Beverly, Ohio, has been named the Glenville State College Pioneer Mascot for the 2015-2016 school year.
Mother's Day Brunch at GSC
date_rangeApril 30, 2015
Everyone is invited to the annual Mother's Day Brunch on Sunday, May 10th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Mollohan’s Restaurant at Glenville State College.
GSC ROTC Cadets Participate in Spring Leadership Development Exercise
date_rangeApril 24, 2015
Held annually in April, the spring Joint Leadership Development Exercise (JLDX) typically takes place among the three West Virginia college Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) battalions. Those being the battalions from West Virginia University, Marshall University, and the 'Yellow Jacket Battalion' which is comprised of units from West Virginia State University, Glenville State College, the University of Charleston, and West Virginia University Institute of Technology.
GSC Observes Sexual Assault Awareness Month
date_rangeApril 23, 2015
Students, staff, and administrators at Glenville State College teamed again this year to raise awareness about the issue of sexual assault. Members of GSC’s Army ROTC program, various student organizations, individual students, and several GSC offices partnered with the college’s Human Resources Department Director during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), which occurs throughout April, to educate and inform the campus as a whole about the issue.
Jazz Concert Planned at GSC
date_rangeApril 20, 2015
Members of the Glenville State College Jazz Combo and Jazz ‘Big Band’ are preparing for their spring concert which will be held on Tuesday, April 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the GSC Fine Arts Center Auditorium.
5K for Autism Awareness Raises Nearly $2,000
date_rangeApril 20, 2015
Glenville State College student organization Pioneers for a Cause held their 'Color a World Without Autism' 5K run/walk on Wednesday, April 15th. Approximately 160 GSC students, faculty, staff, and community members of all ages were in attendance.
District V Literature Fair Held at GSC
date_rangeApril 15, 2015
Over eighty students from around the area gathered recently at Glenville State College for a Literature Fair sponsored by District V of the West Virginia Reading Association (WVRA).
GSC Students Present at Undergraduate Research Day
date_rangeApril 13, 2015
The 12th annual Undergraduate Research Day was held in the West Virginia State Capitol rotunda on Wednesday, March 4th. Undergraduate Research Day is sponsored by the Higher Education Policy Commission Division of Science and Research and the West Virginia Department of Education and the Arts.