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GLENVILLE, WV-Fifteen students have completed their student teaching internships for Glenville State College and have qualified for May graduation.
Katelyn Nikkay Deem completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Social Studies (5-9) at Arnoldsburg Elementary and Calhoun Middle School with Tammey Webb and Dan Cosgrove. Dr. Tara Cosco and Dr. Shara Curry were Deemâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Bobby and Shannon Lockhart of Palestine, West Virginia.
Stefanie Jaye Gladders completed her student teaching in English (5-adult) at Gilmer County High School with Grace Wine and Kristen Smith. Dr. Shara Curry and Dr. Melody Wise were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Pam and Berry Gladders of Vernon, British Columbia, Canada.
Julie (Cantrell) Greenlee completed her student teaching in Business and Marketing (5-adult) with Leslie Godfrey at Braxton County High School. Dr. Tara Cosco and Cinda Echard were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Randy and Mahalia Cantrell of Duck, West Virginia. She also resides in Duck with her husband Brian Greenlee and children Brianna, Joel, Jary, Jaylin, and Ian.
Kayleigh Ann Huck completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6), General Math-Algebra l (5-9), and Science (5-9) at Glenville Elementary School and Gilmer County High School with Kim Cottrill, Monica Haley, and Tracy Ferguson. Dr. Shara Curry, Dr. Joe Evans, Dr. Tara Cosco, and Joseph Wood were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Steve and Maria Huck of Delaware, Ohio.
Hunter Evan McWhorter completed his student teaching in Social Studies (5-adult) at Buckhannon Upshur Middle School and High School with Chris Gow and Tim Bennett. Dr. John Taylor was his GSC supervisor. He is the son of Ralph and Barb McWhorter of Horner, West Virginia.
Morgan Lyn Mullens completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Gauley River Elementary with Rose Gordon and Peggy Crowe. Her GSC supervisor was Dr. Shelly Ratliff. She is the daughter of Mark and Leslie Mullens of Craigsville, West Virginia.
Andréa Elizabeth Osborne completed her student teaching in Elementary Eduation (K-6) and General Math-Algebra l (5-9) at Glenville Elementary School and Robert L. Bland Middle School with Amanda Poole and Tammie Lattea. Dr. John Taylor and Dr. Tara Cosco were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Hugh and Sharon Haddad of Charlotte, North Carolina. She currently resides in Glenville, West Virginia with her husband Issac Osborne.
Jessica Ann Parsons completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Sand Fork Elementary School with Ronnie Facemire and Tonya Stewart. Dr. Shelly Ratliff was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Jon and Valerie Parsons of Worthington, West Virginia. Parsons was also named Outstanding Student Teacher by the education honor society Kappa Delta Pi.
Jodie Lee Parsons completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Multi-Categorical (K-6) at Arnoldsburg Elementary School and Normantown Elementary School with Sonja Hartshorn and Tena Church. Dr. Tara Cosco was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Sandy and Gene McNemar and Rick and Donna Parsons of Normantown, West Virginia.
Heather Nicole Roop completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Panther Creek Elementary with Chris Tinney, Heather Williams, and Theresa Dennison. Dr. Shelly Ratliff was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Karen and Randy Wilburn of Thurmont, Maryland and Dewey and Lori Beachley of Lewis Center, Ohio. Roop resides in Summersville, West Virginia with her husband Chad and children Corey and Emily.
Shelby Marie Scott completed her student teaching in Music (PreK-adult) at Glenville, Sand Fork, Normantown, and Troy Elementary Schools and Gilmer County High School with Judy Leggett and at Lewis County High School with Cinda Jamison. Dr. Shelly Ratliff and Dr. Davis Lewis were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Alison Montgomery and John Davis of Parkersburg, West Virginia.
Jared Michael Shipe completed his student teaching in Social Studies (5-adult) at Ritchie County Middle School and Gilmer County High School with Lisa Stemple and Lindsey Bush. Dr. Shara Curry was his GSC supervisor. He is the son of Robert and Linda Shipe of Harrisville, West Virginia.
Seth Joseph Stemple completed his student teaching in Music (PreK-adult) at Alum Bridge, Roanoke, and Jane Lew Elementary Schools, Robert L. Bland Middle School, and Lewis County High School with Whitney Ballard, Tina Norman, and RJ Cook. Dr. John Taylor, Dr. David Lewis, and Dr. Shara Curry were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Steven and Sharlene Stemple of Fairmont, West Virginia.
Alyssa Brooke White completed her student teaching in Music (PreK-adult) at Braxton County Middle School, Braxton County High School, and Glenville, Sand Fork, Normantown, and Troy Elementary Schools with Bo McMillion, Cinda Jamison, and Judy Leggett. Dr. David Lewis and Dr. Tara Cosco were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Angel and Jason Gladfelter of Buffalo, West Virginia.
Nicholas Gordon Yale completed his student teaching in Music (PreK-adult) at Buckhannon-Upshur High School, Pleasant Hill Elementary School, and Arnoldsburg Elementary School with Jeremiah Smallridge and John Bugby. Dr. John Taylor, Dr. David Lewis, and Dr. Shara Curry were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Marcia Beller of Beckley, West Virginia.
Senior teacher education students take part in an internship during their final semester at GSC. At the conclusion of their internship students must complete a presentation illustrating their mastery of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards as well as the standards of their particular area of study.
These students will participate in the 141st GSC Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 9th. For more information about the Teacher Education Program at Glenville State College, contact (304) 462-4119.