
Glenville State Students Pass Fundamentals of Surveying Exam
The Fundamentals of Surveying exam is generally the first step in the process to becoming a professional licensed surveyor. Two current Glenville State College students, Jacob Petry and Asa Dick, recently passed the exam on their first take.
Call Star Campaign Set To Begin
GSC's "Call Star" program, the annual campaign where students take to the phones to ask for Pioneer Fund donations from the College’s network of alumni and friends, is set to get underway.
Premium Night Scheduled for September 17 at GSC
The public is invited to Mollohan’s Restaurant at Glenville State College on Thursday, September 17 from 4:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. for September’s Premium Night.
Swimming Lessons Begin Soon at Glenville State College
The pool at Glenville State College (GSC) is starting its fall swimming season with something for all ages and abilities – swimming lessons. The lessons are open to community members in addition to GSC faculty, staff, and students.