
Faculty and Staffx
GSC Receives Invitation to Participate in U.S. Department of Education Dual Enrollment Experiment
Today, the U.S. Department of Education is inviting Glenville State College and 43 other postsecondary institutions across the nation to participate in an experiment that, for the first time, allows students taking college-credit courses to access Federal Pell Grants as early as high school. As part of this experiment, an estimated 10,000 high school students will have the opportunity to access approximately $20 million in Federal Pell Grants to take dual enrollment courses provided by colleges and high schools throughout the nation. GSC is the only higher education institution in West Virginia invited to participate.
Chi Beta Phi Awards Scholarship
After a successful campus fundraiser selling ramps and hot dog lunches, the Glenville State College Alpha Iota chapter of the science honor society Chi Beta Phi has awarded its first scholarship to a student in the organization.
Gibbons Selected as Fulbright Scholar
Glenville State College Assistant Professor of Spanish and Director of International Programs Dr. Megan Gibbons has been selected as a Fulbright scholar through the internationally recognized Fulbright Program.
Rule Named New Pioneer Mascot
Valerie Rule, an upcoming sophomore from Webster Springs, West Virginia, has been named the Glenville State College Pioneer Mascot for the 2016-2017 school year.
Mother's Day Brunch Scheduled at GSC
Everyone is invited to the annual Mother’s Day Brunch on Sunday, May 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Mollohan’s Restaurant at Glenville State College.
Commencement Ceremony is May 7 at GSC
The 142nd Glenville State College Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 7 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the college's Waco Center.
Scenes from Earth Day 2016
Scenes from 2016 Earth Day Activities that Glenville State College students and staff took part in
GSC Biology Professor to Present about African Violets
Glenville State College Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Jeremy Keene will be one of two guest speakers at this year’s annual Spring Flower Swap that is being held at Little Birch Elementary in Braxton County, West Virginia on Saturday, May 7. His presentation will focus on how to grow and propagate gesneriads, the best known of which is the African violet.