The Latest Glenville News
Glenville State University Enrollment Increases by 10% Despite State and National Trends
date_rangeJanuary 31, 2025GSU Students Enjoying Starbucks on Campus

September Premium Night Scheduled at GSC
date_rangeSeptember 11, 2015
The public is invited to Mollohan’s Restaurant at Glenville State College’s on Thursday, September 17 from 4:30 until 7:30 p.m. for the September Premium Night.

GSC Students Help RFK Library Recycle
date_rangeSeptember 4, 2015
Glenville State College students in Dr. Gary Arbogast’s GSC 100 class recently helped move over 100 boxes of old books being removed from the Robert F. Kidd Library. The books, which were hauled away for recycling, were out-of-date law books that have since been replaced by online resources.

GSC English Instructor has Busy Summer
date_rangeSeptember 4, 2015
Glenville State College Visiting Instructor of English Dr. Bob Henry Baber has had a summer filled with public appearances and good news about his written works.

Community Invited to Participate in GSC Homecoming Parade
date_rangeSeptember 1, 2015
Local community groups, classic car owners, businesses, marching bands, and others are invited to participate in the 2015 Glenville State College Homecoming Parade. The parade will begin on Saturday, September 26 at 10:00 a.m. in downtown Glenville.

GSC Announces 2015 Homecoming Schedule
date_rangeAugust 31, 2015
The Glenville State College Student Government Association and the Homecoming Committee have planned a number of activities for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends during the week of September 21 for GSC’s annual Homecoming celebration. This year’s theme is ‘GSC ♥’s the 90’s’ – which celebrates the entertainment, fashion, and more from the 1990s. Honored guests will include GSC’s former Student Body Presidents, who will also serve collectively as Parade Marshal for the Saturday morning parade. Additionally, all alumni are encouraged to attend the alumni tailgate before the football game on Saturday afternoon.

Community Members Invited to BAD Buildings Discussion at GSC
date_rangeAugust 24, 2015
The Glenville State College Land Resources Department will play host to a presentation on the implementation of a Brownfields, Abandoned, & Dilapidated (BAD) Buildings Model. The event will take place on Thursday, August 27 at 12:15 p.m. in room 227-228 of GSC's Waco Center.

Retired Glenville State AD a True Pioneer
date_rangeAugust 20, 2015
Former Glenville State athletic director Janet Bailey will be the first to tell you that at a young age she was just a girl from Peachtree with a dream.

Brief History of Jazz Presentation Happening at Historical Society Meeting
date_rangeAugust 18, 2015
Jason Barr, Assistant Professor of Music at Glenville State College, will again hold a free performance at the Gilmer County Historical Society on Thursday, August 20 at a joint meeting with the Calhoun County Society. Barr's appearance at the meeting will provide the audience with a brief musical history of jazz. He performed a similar show at one of their meetings last year.

Event to Feature GSC Marching Band
date_rangeAugust 18, 2015
The Glenville State College 'Wall of Sound' Marching Band will have a feature performance at the Glenville Presbyterian Church 'Band Bash' coming up on Friday, August 21. The event will take place from 5:00-7:00 p.m. with the band performance beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Red Cross Blood Drive Coming to GSC August 24
date_rangeAugust 18, 2015
Staff and students in the Glenville State College Student Support Services organization are helping to sponsor an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, August 24 from noon until 5:30 p.m. The drive will take place in the Mollohan Campus Community Center third floor ballroom.