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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 4, 2015
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
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GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College students in Dr. Gary Arbogast’s GSC 100 class recently helped move over 100 boxes of old books being removed from the Robert F. Kidd Library. The books, which were hauled away for recycling, were out-of-date law books that have since been replaced by online resources.
Library staff had removed the hard covers and boxed most of the books prior to the students spending parts of two days loading them up and transporting them to two recycling storage areas so they could be picked up by Mountain State Waste.
The Library staff said that they greatly appreciated all of the hard work that went into helping complete the exhausting project. As the old saying goes, 'Many hands make light work' they said. Adding, these students really came through for us.
The GSC 100 course is designed to help students transition to the diverse academic, intellectual, and social culture of college life. Students in the class often perform community service activities and attend events together in addition to learning about resources available to them at GSC.