The Latest Glenville News
Glenville State University Enrollment Increases by 10% Despite State and National Trends
date_rangeJanuary 31, 2025GSU Students Enjoying Starbucks on Campus

December Honor Graduates Named at GSC
date_rangeDecember 11, 2015
Nineteen members of Glenville State College's Class of 2016 have been recognized as honor graduates. The students received their honor stoles at the Winter Honor Graduates Reception held on December 10 in the Mollohan Campus Community Center Ballroom. The top graduates completed their degree requirements in July and December 2015 and most of them will participate in the December Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, December 12.

GSC Student and FFA Member Awarded National American FFA Degree
date_rangeDecember 10, 2015
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115

Equipment Grant to help GSC Students
date_rangeDecember 10, 2015
Glenville State College has received an instrumentation grant from the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Division of Science and Research. The Division of Science and Research grants monies to institutions for the improvement of undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education in West Virginia.

GSC Brass Ensemble to Perform at Charleston Town Center Mall
date_rangeDecember 10, 2015
The Glenville State College Brass Ensemble will once again entertain shoppers and guests at the Charleston Town Center Mall on Saturday, December 19 with a selection of holiday music.

GSC Ranked #1 in Criminal Justice Program Assessment
date_rangeDecember 10, 2015
Glenville State College's Criminal Justice Department has been ranked as the #1 Top School Supporting Careers in Corrections & Criminal Justice in West Virginia by

GSC Guests on Thursday Morning Conference Call
date_rangeDecember 7, 2015
Glenville State College President Dr. Peter Barr and Assistant Coordinator of Off-Campus Programming Kathy Gilbert were the guests on a recent episode of the Mike Queen Show's "Thursday Morning Conference Call" by The AJR News Network.

Open House Scheduled for GSC Evening Classes at BCHS
date_rangeDecember 7, 2015
Persons interested in learning more or signing up for spring semester Glenville State College evening courses are invited to attend an upcoming open house session. The event is scheduled for Monday, January 4 at the Braxton County High School Commons Area between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.

Weyerhaeuser Awards Equipment Grant to GSC
date_rangeDecember 3, 2015
Continuing in their tradition of helping students learn in a hands-on environment with the latest tools and technology, the Weyerhaeuser Company has again awarded the Glenville State College Land Resources Department an equipment grant. The grant was recently used to purchase a log splitter for use by students in the Forestry Club and various Forest Technology courses in the department.

GSC Literary Magazine Taking Submissions
date_rangeDecember 3, 2015
Local artists and writers are invited to submit items for the 2016 issue of the Trillium, Glenville State College’s literary arts journal. The Trillium is a collection of artwork, poetry, fiction, song lyrics, and other forms of creative expression.

Hidden Promise Program Adds Nine to List of Graduates
date_rangeDecember 3, 2015
Nine Glenville State College Hidden Promise Scholars (HPS) were recognized as graduates of the Hidden Promise program at a ceremony held on December 2. The students, Courtney Cutlip, Elizabeth Jackson, Sarah Lane, Michael Livesay, Patricia McCourt, Corri Phillips, Nicole Smith, Samantha Wolford, and Amara Yoak, are all scheduled to complete their GSC degrees at the conclusion of the fall semester.