Dual Enrollment/Accommodations
High school students with documented disabilities are eligible to receive accommodations while taking courses through Glenville State University. The student can begin the process by reading this
pertaining to the differences between high school accommodations and college accommodations. It is important to note that the student's IEP/504 accommodations and services do not automatically carry over to college. Next, the student will complete and submit forms located below. The completed packet(s) will need to be sent to the Office of Accommodations and Accessibility Services at Glenville State University directly or through High School Counselors, Dual Enrollment Counselors, and Off-Campus Programming at Glenville State.
If you have questions pertaining to Dual Enrollment and Accommodations at Glenville State University, please contact:
Susan Petties
Pioneer Support Advisor - Accommodations &
Robert F. Kidd Library