Step by Step Process for Registration

Step by Step Process

What happens after you have been accepted?

You will be receiving your Acceptance Packet in the mail. This packet will include an enrollment checklist and will guide you through the next steps in the enrollment process, which includes:

  • Information on financial aid and scholarships
  • Advising
  • Registration for classes

Once you are accepted you will be able to log into EdNet. The EDNET system allows you to view grades, unofficial transcripts, financial aid information, registration status, course list, closed course list, and academic standing.

To log into the system:

  1. Navigate to the Glenville State University website.
  2. Click "Current Students."
  3. Click on "EDNET."
  4. Click on "Enter Secure Area."
  5. When the next page loads you will then be prompted to enter your User ID which is the last 8 digits of your student ID number.
  6. Your pin number is your birthday, but make sure you enter it as daymonthyear. For example, if your birthday is - December 31, 1989, your pin number would be 311289.
  7. If you need assistance please contact the Registrar's Office at 304-462-6120 or

Orientation to Brightspace

At Glenville State University we use Blackboard as our Learning Management System. Click here to watch a brief video on how to navigate Brightspace. If you have any questions contact the Brightspace Helpdesk at 304-462-6449 or

Decide on a Major

Currently, Glenville State offers five degree programs online. These are as follows:

Meeting with your Advisor 

You will be contacted by an Admissions Counselor after you have been fully accepted to Glenville State University. Your counselor will work closely with you to register you for your first semester of courses. Soon after you are registered you will be assigned a permanent advisor in your degree field. Your academic advisor will help you transition to university life. They will also help you develop an academic plan to earn your degree.

Apply for Financial Aid and Scholarships 

Federal and State Financial Aid – WV residents should submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 1 for PROMISE Scholarship consideration and by April 15 for WV Grant consideration. All other students should submit a FAFSA as soon as possible to prevent delayed award notifications. Click here to view our financial aid checklist.

Scholarships – All incoming students will automatically be considered for Glenville State University academic scholarships if you applied by the February 15 priority deadline and submitted preliminary transcripts and test scores. Returning students should submit an Academic Scholarship Application, found below:

Academic Scholarship Application

Purchase Your Textbooks 

Students may track their books and supplies through Barnes & Noble's First Day Complete Program.

Your Student E-Mail Account

As a student of Glenville State University you are assigned an email address and password when you register for classes.

  1. You can check your email account by going to
  2. Your email address is As an example, if your name is John P. Smith your email address is
  3. Your password is the capital letter of the first name followed by your birth date in the following format ddmmyyy and then the first letter of your last name lower case. For example John Smith born December 1, 2004 would be J011204s.
  4. Please log into your email as soon as possible. If you do not within 90 days after creation it will be deactivated.
  5. If you need assistance please contact the Help Desk at 304-462-6140.

Pioneer Support Center – Student Services

Glenville State University accommodates physically and learning disabled students. Please visit the Disability Services page to learn more about their services and to begin the process to request aid.

Additional Contact Information

Sheri Goff
Financial Aid Counselor

Robin Meadows
Online Coordinator