Frequently Asked Questions
Below are frequently asked questions of the Office of Accommodations and Accessibility Services (OAAS). There are general questions that are asked of multiple audiences (students, staff, faculty, families, and administrators, etc.)
1. How does a student get started with a request?
First, a student must self identify with the OAAS. Next, the student must submit appropriate documentation from a qualified healthcare professional and complete an intake packet. Then, OAAS engages the student in the interactive process to discuss reasonable accommodations. The student will assist in creating a Semester Plan and be provided with detailed information about their approved accommodations.
2. What documentation is needed to receive disability services?
Students wishing to receive accommodation or accessibility services must provide documentation from a qualified healthcare professional that describes the disability/health condition as well as shares the functional impact on the student’s academic experiences.
Verification of psychiatric and psychological disabilities can be provided by a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), licensed professional counselor (LPC), psychologist, psychiatrist or neurologist. The licensed health care professional must be an impartial third party not employed by Glenville State College and must not have a familial relationship to the student. (Familial relationship for the purposes of providing medical verification means student or treatment provider in the relationship of husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandfather, grandmother, grandson or granddaughter, or any of those relationships arising as a result of marriage.)
3. What types of accommodations are available?
A variety of services are available. Some of the examples are extended time on tests, isolated test administration, audio books, and a reader for exams. For a complete list of accommodations please contact the Academic Success Center.
4. How do my instructors know what services I am eligible to receive?
Once the student meets with the Accommodations and Accessibility Counselor and a plan for accommodations has been established, the next step is to notify necessary faculty and staff. Accommodations memos are written to notify the instructors that, "John Doe is a student in your class that has a documented disability." The memo further elaborates on what accommodations are necessary for that student.
5. How frequently do I need to update my file for accommodations?
Student must schedule a meeting at the beginning of each new semester to create an updated Semester Plan and receive updated memos to provide to faculty. Students must provide a copy of the new semester schedule to the Accommodations and Accessibility Counselor to be placed in the file.
6. Can changes be made to accommodations or accessibility services I receive?
Yes, you can meet with the Accommodations and Accessibility Counselor at any time if you need your accommodations adjusted. Please contact the office at 304-462-6051 to schedule an appointment.
7. As a high school student entering college, what differences will I see in accommodations?
Please review this document to see the differences in accommodations from high school to college.
8. Where is the office of disability services located?
The Accommodations and Accessibility Counselor's office is located on the third floor of the Robert F. Kidd Library in the Academic Success Center.