
Faculty and Staffx
Japanese Outreach Coordinator Comes to GSC
Glenville State College has recently been selected as a host-site for the Japan Outreach Initiative (JOI). This program is designed to promote cultural awareness and understanding of Japan in the United States.
GSC Students Travel to Berlin
Glenville State College Professor of History Dr. Ed Wood led a group of five GSC students to Germany in 2018.
GSC's Pioneer Stage in Downtown Glenville to hold Grand Opening
The Glenville State College Bluegrass Program has recently relocated to The Pioneer Stage at 10 East Main Street in downtown Glenville. The Pioneer Stage will serve as the Bluegrass Music Education Center for GSC and will be open to the public after the grand opening.
GSC Graduate, Professor Published
A Glenville State College graduate and current GSC professor recently coauthored an article on soil disturbances caused by pocket gophers at different elevations and the impact they have on the ecosystem.
Wess Harris to Present at GSC
On Tuesday, August 21 Wess Harris will visit Glenville State College as a part of the ongoing ‘We, too, are Appalachia’ project. The series of performances and presentations, made possible by Glenville State College and the West Virginia Humanities Council, are an exploration of identity and place regarding rural West Virginia.
Skiles Named Athletic Director
Jesse Skiles has been named Glenville State College’s new Athletic Director. His new appointment will take effect July 1.
Longtime College Alumni Director to Retire
After over 45 years as an employee at Glenville State College, Debra (Reed) Nagy is retiring. Throughout her decades of service to Glenville State, she has worked with eight different college presidents, two of GSC’s Community & Technical College provosts, helped hundreds of staff, faculty, and administrators, and interacted with countless students, alumni, and friends of the college.