The Latest Glenville News
Glenville State University Enrollment Increases by 10% Despite State and National Trends
date_rangeJanuary 31, 2025GSU Students Enjoying Starbucks on Campus
MBA Program in the Works at Glenville State University
date_rangeMay 23, 2023
Glenville State University soon hopes to begin offering its newest graduate-level program, a Master of Business Administration degree. The program has been submitted to the institutional accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission, and is pending final approval.
Glenville State University Faculty Award of Excellence Recipient Named
date_rangeMay 18, 2023
The 2023 Glenville State University Faculty Award of Excellence recipient is Professor of Chemistry Dr. Kevin L. Evans.
Distinguished Students Recognized by Glenville State University Department of Business
date_rangeMay 16, 2023
The Glenville State University Department of Business has announced its list of Distinguished Business Students for 2023.
“Grow Your Own” Day Held at Glenville State University
date_rangeMay 12, 2023
Glenville State University recently welcomed nearly 100 high school students for “Grow Your Own” Day. The event was designed to bring Grow Your Own partner schools together for a day on Glenville State’s campus.
Glenville State University Employees Recognized for Service
date_rangeMay 10, 2023
Several Glenville State University employees were recently honored for their years of service at a Faculty and Staff Appreciation Luncheon.
Glenville State University Class of 2023 Takes Part in Commencement Ceremony
date_rangeMay 8, 2023
Glenville State University’s 149th Commencement Ceremony took place on Saturday, May 6.
Nale to Join Fine Arts Faculty at Glenville State University
date_rangeMay 4, 2023
Beginning in the upcoming academic year, Sarah Nale will be joining the Glenville State University Department of Fine Arts as a full-time faculty member.
Glenville State University Students Complete Teaching Internships
date_rangeMay 2, 2023
Eight students have completed their student teaching internships for Glenville State University during the spring 2023 semester.
Glenville State University Student Veterans Attend Washington Week
date_rangeApril 28, 2023
Student Veterans of America members from Glenville State University and Marshall University recently participated in Washington Week, an event that allows SVA chapter members from around the nation to make their voices heard at the United States capitol.
Glenville State University Concert Band to Hold Spring Concert
date_rangeApril 24, 2023
Members of the Glenville State University Concert Band will perform their annual spring concert on Friday, April 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center Auditorium.