Course Scheduling Information

Course Scheduling Information

Course Schedule 

Course Registration Schedule

Access in EdNet to register for summer 2025, fall 2025 and spring 2026 courses opens up at midnight following the schedule below. You will need your six digit registration PIN from your advisor to be able to register for classes in EdNet. Credit hours earned does not include the credit hours you are currently enrolled in. 


Monday, April 14 - Seniors (91 or more credit hours earned)

Tuesday, April 15 - Juniors (61 - 90 credit hours earned)

Wednesday. April 16 - Sophomores (31 - 60 credit hours earned)

Thursday, April 17 - Freshmen (1 - 30 credit hours earned)

Friday, April 18 - Open to all students

There is no priority registration after the designated one week listed above.  Registration will remain open until classes begin for each respective semester. Once classes begin, online access in EdNet for students to make changes to a class schedule for that specific semester will no longer be available. To request a schedule change, a student will need to contact their academic advisor for approval and contact to have the request processed. 

For instructions on how to register for classes in EdNet, click on the link below. 


Multi-Semester Registration

Multi-Semester registration provides students with the opportunity to register for an entire academic year (up to three semesters) at one time. This option is now available to any full-time students who are fully admitted to Glenville State University. Students are not required to register for multiple semesters, but registering for an entire academic year will enable a student to plan ahead and secure classes needed towards their degree program. You may access additional information about multi-semester registration at Multi-Semester Registration.

Course Rotation

Course rotation information is noted on the course schedule under the header of "NXT." Course Rotations are subject to change. Additional information regarding course rotations can be obtained by contacting the appropriate academic department.

Degree Works

In preparation for advising students are encouraged to review their Registration Checklist through Degree Works. Information on how to review your Registration Checklist may be found on the DegreeWorks FAQ page. An advising sheet is provided for your convenience.



Student must apply for graduation online through EdNet. Specific deadline dates and information can be found on the Graduation page.


Students must have all "holds" removed prior to online registration. Hold information may be found through your EdNet account. Select Student & Financial Aid; Student Records; View Holds. Please contact the office that placed the hold for information regarding removal.

Late Registration

The intent is for students to be registered for classes prior to the beginning of each semester or term. If a student wishes to register for classes after classes begin, they must request to do so before 4:00 pm of the second day of the first week of classes as listed on the Academic Calendar for that specific semester or term they are requesting to enroll in. There will be no exceptions. The student must request last registration through the Pioneer Support Center, Academic Affairs, or the Registrar's Office and must meet the following criteria at the time of registration:

First-time students who are accepted/admitted to Glenville State University but not enrolled* in classes by the first day of the semester or term must: (1) have a cumulative overall high school GPA of 2.75 or higher or a cumulative overall GPA of 2.75 or higher for all transfer credits completed; (2) no holds on their Glenville State University student account; (3) a complete and current FAFSA, if applicable. 

For returning students who have been readmitted, but are not enrolled* in classes by the first day of the semester or term must: (1) have a cumulative overall University GPA of 2.75 or higher; (2) no holds on their Glenville State University student account; (3) a complete and current FAFSA. 

Once all criteria are met, the student needs to meet with their advisor to discuss a class schedule and to receive a registration PIN. The student will need to take their class schedule and registration PIN to the Pioneer Support Center or Academic Affairs in order to register for their classes. Students wishing to register after the second day of classes will have to appeal by completing and submitting an Academic Petition to the Provost. 

*Enrollment is defined as being registered for at least one course during the specific semester or term in which the student wishes to enroll in. 

Registration PINs

A six digit registration PIN will be required for students to be able to register online through their EdNet student account. The PIN is obtained from their academic advisor. It is recommend to place the PIN in a safe place and to not lose it. The PIN will be required for registration and for anytime a student logs back into EdNet to make a change to their course schedule. The registration PIN will not be provided to the student by anyone other than their academic advisor unless permission has been granted. For students registering for multiple semesters, the same registration PIN may be used for each semester. 

Semester Load

Undergraduate Students - Eighteen (18) credit hours during the fall and spring semesters is considered a full load. Twelve (12) credit hours during the summer term is considered a full load. Graduate Students - Nine (9) credit hours during the fall and spring semesters is considered a full load. Six (6) credit hours during the summer term is considered a full load. Any student requesting more than the maximum hours must meet the criteria for an overload. The request must be approved by the academic advisor, department chairperson, and Provost prior to enrollment.

A student must obtain the overload form from his/her advisor at the time they discuss the student’s schedule. Once the overload form is signed by the advisor and the department chairperson, the student should carry the overload request form to the Registrar’s Office.

Students on Academic Probation

A student placed on academic probation at the end of this semester and who has already registered for more than 15 hours for the upcoming semester, must drop back to a total of 15 hours or less. Failure to do so will result in adjustments to their class schedules by the Registrar’s Office. Further information regarding the Academic Probation and Suspension Policy can be found in the university catalog.


Tuition & Fees

Students will be invoiced through their official Glenville State University e-mail account. Tuition and Fees must be paid or payment arrangements made with the Business Office on or before the first day of classes. Failure to do so may result in the student being removed from classes. Students may access their account information and make credit card payments through their EdNet account. Select Student & Financial Aid; Student Records; Account Summary by Term; Select the appropriate term; scroll to the bottom and select Credit Card Payment.


New veterans should contact Charles Yakubow located in the Office of Admissions in order to be certified for educational benefits.

Wait List

Glenville State University utilizes an electronic waitlist for courses. This allows students to put themselves on an electronic list on a first come first served basis. Should a student currently registered for a course drop, an automatic email will be sent to the first person on the waitlist notifying them of the opening.

We encourage all students to register during the posted registration times. Doing so increases a student’s chance of registering for the courses they prefer. More information regarding the waitlist process can be found in our General Information and Frequently Asked Questions document.


Glenville State University reserves the right to change instructors, cancel/add classes, change instructional methods and make room/time changes without notice to accommodate enrollments. Please be sure to check your course schedule in EdNet on the first day of classes for up-to-date schedule information.