Top tips and tricks for midterm season
Fri Feb 28, 2020
Top midterm tips and tricks

By Cheyenne Moore

With midterms quickly approaching, it can be helpful to have a few trustworthy tips and tricks up your sleeve. Check below to find what works best for you.

First, be sure to always listen attentively to the instructors and any last-minute requests that they may have in order to be fully prepared. By being prepared, this will eliminate chances of unexpected test material and poor grades. Additionally, to avoid unwanted grades, do not cram study material; it is best to space your studying out over a span of a few days to a week so you can get the best benefits possible. 

The night before midterms, it is important to get enough sleep to get you through the approaching day. Also, be sure to eat a well-balanced meal when you wake up to keep you fully energized. On the day of the test, make sure to arrive early enough to prepare your materials, get situated, and relax. Finally, make sure to use your time wisely and use as much as you can when taking your tests. By using these tactics, you’ll be swimming in ideal grades in no time!   

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