Check-Up with Nurse Ronda for campus health issues
Thu Feb 28, 2019
nurse ronda

By: Kristen Murphy

The Health Center is a beneficial asset to Glenville State College because it provides services to students. The Campus Health Center, which is located on the first floor of the Mollohan, opens August 1 until May 30, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is a nurse practitioner from Minnie Hamilton available Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 2:30-4 p.m., by appointment. The services offered are funded through student fees. Services are only provided to students who are currently enrolled at the college and who have already paid those fees.

There are multiple services that the Health Center provides that students should know about, including nursing assessment, diagnostic screenings, blood pressure monitoring, flu vaccinations, over the counter medications, referrals. and TB testing. Seeing the campus nurse for these services won’t cost a penny, what does cost money is if a student makes an appointment to see the practitioner.

The Health Center currently offers free family planning services and free STD screenings. However, if the state legislature succeeds in defunding Planned Parenthood, these services will no longer be available. The state of West Virginia does not fund abortions in any circumstance; however, if they cease funding to Planned Parenthood valuable birth control services will be lost.

When asked what the Campus Nurse Ronda Williams loved most about her job, she quickly replied with the students being what makes her job most enjoyable. She has been at Glenville State College since August 2012, she’s been a nurse for 31 years. Previously, she worked at Camden Clark Emergency for 8 years and also a clinic nurse supervisor at Minnie Hamilton.

As a student who has used the Health Center, it has benefited me and my many health issues tremendously. I have asthma and as a result, sometimes am in need of a breathing treatment. Rather than going all the way to the hospital and waiting potentially hours to be seen, I’ve been able to go get a breathing treatment from the nurse on campus. The fact that Glenville offered an on campus nurse is the main reason I chose this college.


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