By Abby Hudson
West Virginia bill Senate Bill 10, allowing those with concealed weapons licenses to practice concealed carry on state college and university campuses, passed both the state senate and house with large margins. West Virginia University and Marshall University have publicly opposed the bill. WVU has created a fact sheet about the bill, which has been proposed for the last several years, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qhf9X2n4-4bYRxjV5FwXydB6ni3HuojG3H2I3w3wk2k/edit
Some WVU colleagues have created a petition to be sent to Governor Jim Justice urging veto of this bill. You will find the letter here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qhf9X2n4-4bYRxjV5FwXydB6ni3HuojG3H2I3w3wk2k/edit?usp=sharing. You may add your name to the document as a comment if you wish to sign it. The petition will be regularly copied and forwarded to the governor up until such time as he either signs or vetoes the bill.
The bill passed the house on February 21, and the governor has 15 days to act. If he does not act, the bill becomes law.
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