Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry and Forest Products - Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA - 2009
Masters of Science in Forestry and Forest Products - Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA - 2006
Bachelors in Science in Forestry, Wood Processing Option - West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV - 2001
Associates in Science in Forest Technology - Glenville State College - 1997
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Perkins joined Glenville State faculty in 2009 after completing his doctorate at Virginia Tech in wood products utilization and business. He teaches numerous forestry and natural resource management classes such as Dendrology, Timber Harvesting, Silviculture, and Remote Sensing among others. Dr. Perkins’s research was on wood utilization and forest products business.
- Perkins, Brian R. 2014. Overview of American Chestnut Restoration Efforts. Presented at the American Tree Farm System West Virginia Regional Meeting at Summersville, WV. March 17.
- Perkins, Brian R. 2013. Remote Sensing for Foresters. Presented at the West Virginia Division of the Society of American Foresters Winter Meeting at Glenville, WV March 20-21.
- Perkins, Brian R. 2013. Overview of the West Virginia Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation. Presented at the West Virginia Division of the Society of American Foresters Winter Meeting at Glenville, WV March 20-21.
- Perkins, Brian R. 2010. Natural Resource Careers. Presented at the Doddridge County High School Career Fair at West Union, WV. January 15.
- Perkins, Brian R. 2009. Modeling Factors that Influence Firm Performance of Eastern Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers. Presented at the 63nd Forest Products Society International Convention at Boise, ID. June 21-23.
- Bond, Brian and Brian Perkins. 2009. Sawmills Turn to Computers to Gather & Process Information: 84% Use Internet. Pallet Enterprise. June. Volume 29. Number 6. p. 32-35.
- Perkins, Brian and Al Schuler. 2009. The Financial Crisis and the Wood Products Industry. Timberline. February. Volume 15. Number 2. P. 21-22.
- Perkins, Brian and Al Schuler. 2009. Examining the Causes and Proper Responses to the Current Global Financial Crisis. Pallet Enterprise. February. Volume 29. Number 2. p. 24-27.
- Perkins, Brian and Al Schuler. 2009. Financial Cobweb: The financial entities entangled themselves, the U.S. housing industry, and every mom and pop on main street. here's how it happened. Timber Processing. January/February. Volume 34 Number 1. p. 14-17.
- Perkins, Brian and Brian Bond. 2008. Scragg Mill Low-Down. Southern Lumberman. September Vol. 126 No. 6. p. 22-23.
- Perkins, Brian, Bob Smith and Philip Araman. 2008. Analyzing the Feasibility of Utilizing Small Diameter Hardwood Timber for Solid Wood Products and Residues. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station. General Technical Report. GTR-SRS-111. p. 6
- Perkins, Brian. 2008. Managing Energy Costs, Opportunities. Pallet Profile Weekly. May 16.
- Perkins, Brian, Robert Smith, and Brian Bond. 2008. Case Study of the Economic Feasibility of a Red Oak Small Diameter Timber Sawmill and Pallet Part Mill. Wood & Fiber Science. 40(2): 258-270.
- Perkins, Brian, Robert L. Smith and Brian Bond. 2008. Solid Wood and Residue Yield Analysis of Small-Diameter Red Oak Logs. Forest Products Journal. 58(1/2): 97-100.
- Perkins, Brian and Robert Smith, 2008. A Look at the Woodworking Industry's Response to Globalization. Wood & Wood Products. January.
- Perkins, Brian and Robert Smith, 2007. Virginia Tech Survey Shows Companies Responding, Adapting to Globalization. Pallet Enterprise. November. Vol. 27 No. 11. p.28-29.
- Bond, Brian and Brian Perkins. 2009. Sawmills Turn to Computers to Gather & Process Information: 84% Use Internet. Pallet Enterprise. June. Volume 29. Number 6. p. 32-35.
- Perkins, Brian and Al Schuler. 2009. The Financial Crisis and the Wood Products Industry. Timberline. February. Volume 15. Number 2. P. 21-22.
- Perkins, Brian and Al Schuler. 2009. Examining the Causes and Proper Responses to the Current Global Financial Crisis. Pallet Enterprise. February. Volume 29. Number 2. p. 24-27.
- Perkins, Brian and Brian Bond. 2008. Scragg Mill Low-Down. Southern Lumberman. September Vol. 126 No. 6. p. 22
- Perkins, Brian, Bob Smith and Philip Araman. 2008. Analyzing the Feasibility of Utilizing Small Diameter Hardwood Timber for Solid Wood Products and Residues. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station. General Technical Report. GTR-SRS-111. p. 6
- Perkins, Brian, Robert L. Smith, Gerry Jackson, and Susan LeVan-Green. 2005. Evaluating Markets for Small-Diameter Timber: A Case Analysis in Northern Mississippi. 59th Forest Products Society International Convention. Quebec City, Canada. June 19-22. FPS Poster
- Perkins, Brian, Robert L. Smith, and Charlie Becker. 2006. A Business Model for a Small-Diameter Processing Facility in Southwest Virginia. Presented at the 60th Forest Products Society International Convention. Newport Beach, CA. June 25-28, 2006.
- Perkins, Brian R. and Robert L. Smith. 2006. A Business Model for a Small Diameter Processing Facility in Southwest Virginia. Presented to the Research Review team from the U.S. Forest Service Southern Station out of Atlanta for the Virginia Department of Forestry Review held at Blacksburg on August 16.
- Perkins, Brian R. and Robert L. Smith. 2007. Opportunities for Business Development Utilizing Small-Diameter Timber. Poster presentation at the 61st International Convention of the Forest Products Society, Knoxville, TN, June 10-13, 2007.
- Perkins, Brian R. and Robert L. Smith. 2007. Globalizations Impact on the Marketing and Management of Forest Products Firms in the U.S. Presentation at the 61st International Convention of the Forest Products Society, Knoxville, TN, June 10-13, 2007.
- Perkins, Brian R. and Robert L. Smith. 2008. Opportunities for Business Development Utilizing Small-Diameter Timber. Poster presentation at the Smallwood 2008 Conference, Madison, WI. May 13-15, 2008.
- Perkins, Brian R. and Robert L. Smith. 2008. Factors that Influence Firm Performance of Eastern Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers. Poster presentation at the 62nd Forest Products Society International Convention at St. Louis, MO. June 22-24.
- Perkins, Brian R. 2008. Overview of Hardwood Utilization in the United States by Market Segment. Presented at the 62nd Forest Products Society International Convention at St. Louis, MO. June 22-24.
- National Honor Society for Forest Technology, Member #271
- Andersen Tully Management Scholarship recipient, 2005.
- Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturer's, Inc. Scholarship recipient, 2006.
- Steven Sinclair Forest Products Marketing Scholarship, 2007