Admissions hosts winter open house on February 1
Thu Jan 30, 2020
Winter Open House

By Cheyenne Moore

Glenville State College’s Office of Admissions is hosting a Winter Open House for potential students on Saturday, February 1. This is an opportunity for future students to come and experience our campus living. This five-hour event will span five hours with activities including a welcome to campus, a tour of the department of their choice, and a campus tour. Workers and volunteers are encouraged to work this event and give these upcoming students a realistic experience. 

The event will begin at 9 a.m., with check-in on the third floor of the Mollohan Center; check-ins are welcome until 10 a.m., when the open house starts. There will be a 30-minute welcome ceremony following check-in, where the students will be separated into groups for their department tours. Potential students will have an hour to tour their departments and ask the professors in charge any questions or concerns. Once the department tours conclude, the student workers in charge of each group will give a campus tour.

At 12:30, the students will be bused to the Waco Center, where they will tour the facility. Lunch will be served, and the students can ask questions about any of the day’s events. At 2 p.m., the day’s activities will end with women’s and men’s basketball games. However, there’s a twist to the evening. Here’s a hint… Hawaiian shirts aren’t necessary, but they are encouraged! 

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