Ed.D. - Marshall University
M.A. - Marshall University
B.A. - Glenville State College
Curriculum Vitae
Shelly Haynes completed her undergraduate degrees from Glenville State College in English Education, Elementary Education, and Early Childhood Education. She earned a Master’s degree in Reading from Marshall University and is certified in public school administration. Shelly taught public school for five years until she accepted a teaching position at Glenville State College in 2008. She currently teaches reading and early childhood courses and supervises interns. Shelly completed her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from Marshall University. Shelly resides in Glenville with her husband and daughter.
Recent Publication:
- A Study of Kindergarten Teachers’ Ability to Teach the Kindergarten Informational Text Common Core State Standards in Fifteen West Virginia School Districts, December 2014
Recent Presentations:
- Ratliff, S. and O’Dell, C. 2015. Showcasing evidence of student learning: Documentation supporting positive student impact collected by preservice teachers in preschool and kindergarten classrooms. National Association for the Education of Young Children Conference, November, Orlando, FL.
- Ratliff, S. and O’Dell, C. 2015. Enhancing young children’s curiosity through exploration & discovery activities. Celebrating Connections, February, Charleston, WV.
- Ratliff, S. and O’Dell, C. 2013. From storybooks to activities to computer apps: Making meaningful connections for preK and K. Huntington Early Education Conference, May, Huntington, WV.
- Ratliff, S. and Stange, T. 2011. Reading in the content areas. International Reading Association Conference, May, Orlando, FL.