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President Pellett is joined by members of the West Virginia Senate for presentation of the Resolution | WV Legislative Photo by Will Price
GLENVILLE, WV - Earlier today Glenville State College was recognized by members of the West Virginia House of Delegates and Senate for the role it has played in making college more affordable for students and families. The House of Delegates honored GSC with a Legislative Citation, presented by Delegate Brent Boggs (D-Braxton, 34). The Senate document, Senate Resolution 53, was sponsored by Senators Mike Romano (D-Harrison, 12), Doug Facemire (D-Braxton, 12), Robert Beach (D-Monongalia, 13), Ron Stollings (D-Boone, 07), and Sue Cline (R-Wyoming, 09). During Thursday's session several Senators spoke in favor of the Resolution prior to its adoption.
The full text of the Senate resolution stated:
Whereas, Glenville State College was originally founded in 1872 to serve the higher education needs of West Virginia citizens by preparing teachers to serve in classrooms across the state; and
Whereas, Glenville State College has expanded its mission and now prepares students for careers in teaching, business, land resources, music, the liberal arts, the sciences, and human services through a variety of educational and professional degrees at the associate and baccalaureate levels; and
Whereas, Glenville State College continues to be critical to the educational and economic vitality of central West Virginia through its development and partnerships with businesses, public school districts, and agencies and its offering of cultural events and meaningful activities to support local communities; and
Whereas, Glenville State College continues to be a vital resource and support for many first generation and rural college students, students of modest means, and students who enter college still unsure of their educational and career pathways to the future; and
Whereas, Glenville State College has been a leader in holding its tuition stable and lowering its food costs for 2017-2018; and
Whereas, Glenville State College has shown leadership to the state in again committing to lowering its tuition this coming summer and for the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate:
That the Senate hereby recognizes Glenville State College for its efforts in making college education more affordable for the citizens of West Virginia; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Senate acknowledges the leadership demonstrated by Glenville State College and extends its sincere appreciation to Dr. Tracy Pellett, President of Glenville State College; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to Glenville State College.
(l-r) GSC student Carter Springer, Vice President for Student Life and Athletics Rusty Vineyard, President Tracy L. Pellett, Delegate Brent Boggs, Vice President for College Advancement David Hutchison, and College Communications Specialist Conner Ferguson | WV Legislative Photo by Perry Bennett
"Obviously we are very appreciative that state lawmakers have taken note of our many initiatives to keep college affordable while still maintaining high quality programs here at Glenville State College. I, along with my leadership team, are laser-focused on making sure that students don't pay more than absolutely necessary to come to our college," said Glenville State College President Dr. Tracy L. Pellett. "I want those on our campus to know, and all of the future Pioneers out there to know, that we're just getting started. In fact, I'm already working on another announcement that will benefit our students as well as faculty and staff, so stay tuned for that," Pellett added.
Since Pellett's arrival at Glenville State in July 2017, the college has adopted several initiatives that have placed a strong focus on reducing tuition, board, and fee costs for students. Managing efficiencies, revenue collection, and overall budgetary management coupled with an emphasis on growing enrollment through online and off-campus programs, are also well underway.
In addition to the focus on affordability, Glenville State has also reaffirmed its commitment to the quality of its academic program offerings and putting students on a path of career readiness. Campus safety, educational support systems, and a revitalization of student life have been top priorities as well.
Watch a video from the session, hear Senators speak in relation to the Resolution, and see its subsequent adoption by clicking here. Navigate to the recording of the March 1, 2018 session and advance to the 1:23 PM mark to view the portion relating to GSC.
For more information on joining Pioneer Nation and becoming a Glenville State College graduate, contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@glenville.edu or call (800) 924-2010.