FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 20, 2019
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College student Trevor Wood will perform his senior recital on Sunday, December 8 at 2:00 p.m. in the GSC Fine Arts Center Auditorium.
The senior vocal recital will feature Wood, accompanied by Tabitha Cochrum on piano, Colton Watts on guitar, Mitchell Blackburn on percussion, and background singers Gabe French, Scott Barber, Trevor Fatony, and Jack Boyce. The concert will cover classical music, foreign languages, musical theatre, modern pieces, and a few hymns as well.
Wood also plays trumpet in Jazz Band, mellophone in Marching Band, French horn in Concert Band, and is currently taking percussion pedagogy to learn different percussion instruments. Additionally, he is taking piano and baritone saxophone lessons.
“I’d like to thank Teresa Dody, Natalie Shaffer, and all of the music instructors in the Fine Arts Department. And even though they aren’t instructors toward my concentration, I’d also like to mention two of my other favorite instructors - Dr. Fred Walborn and Dr. David O’Dell. They always managed to keep the class interesting from one extreme to another,” stated Wood. “I would also like to thank my girlfriend Jennie Burroughs for all of her support in everything I do. I know she's with me through thick and thin and she's greatly appreciated,” he added.
He is the son of Melissa Smith and the late Michael Paul Wood. He is a native of Oak Hill, West Virginia and plans to pursue a master's degree in composition at Marshall University. “I eventually want to produce music and audio behind the scenes of movies, television shows, commercials, and video games. I want to be the guy behind the scenes that makes entertainment pleasant for the ears,” explained Wood.
Throughout his years at GSC, Wood has participated in GSC’s Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Brass Ensemble, in addition to being a Choral Scholar at the Glenville Presbyterian Church and a member of GSC’s chapter of the National Association for Music Education.
His recital is free and open to the public.