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Sherry and Wayne de Rosset
GLENVILLE, WV - Professor Emeritus Mr. Wayne de Rosset will be serving as parade marshal during GSC’s homecoming parade on Saturday, October 21.
Professor de Rosset, who served as long time department chair for the college's Department of Language and Literature, retired in May of this year after 43 years of teaching excellence and dedicated service to the institution.
During his tenure, he taught Surveys of British Literature, the British Novel, Children's Literature, Adolescent Literature, and various seminars including Victorian Poetry and the Gothic Novel.
A beloved mentor to so many of GSC's alumni, de Rosset was known for his outstanding rapport with his students. He received the Alumni Association's Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award in 1990, the College's Faculty Award of Excellence in 2004, and was named the Faculty Merit Foundation's West Virginia 2004-2005 Professor of the Year in 2005.
Always active in campus events, de Rosset served as Chief Faculty Marshal during fall convocations and in both spring and winter commencements for many years. He was also the College's announcer at football games, homecoming coronations, and parades for decades.
Professor de Rosset's wife Sherry, who is also a GSC retiree, will be accompanying him in the parade. Their son Dylan graduated from Glenville State College in 2003, and their daughter Brittany graduated in 2008.
See the schedule for GSC's Homecoming Week by clicking here.