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Bob Henry Baber
Public Relations Department
Glenville State College
(304) 462-6390
GLENVILLE, WVâGlenville State College is ranked in the top 20 of the best colleges for veterans within the south regional colleges division by U.S. News & World Report.
GSC received the number 17 score in the 2014 edition of the U.S. News Best Colleges because of graduation rates, faculty resources, reputation, and other markers of academic quality. In total, there were only 234 ranked schools across ten placing categories. The new rankings provide national data on schools that offer federal benefits including tuition and housing assistance to veterans and active service members. To qualify, colleges had to be certified for the GI Bill and participate in the United States Department of Veterans Affairsâ Yellow Ribbon Program and Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium.
âWe have a large pool of faculty and staff that know what veterans need and the language that they speak. We are an affordable small school, and most of our departments have veterans in them and are therefore veteran friendly,â said twenty-one-year Air Force Technical Sergeant Veteran Jennifer Wenner, who is the former GSC Veterans Affairs Coordinator. Wenner previously attended and graduated from GSC utilizing her veteranâs benefits.
Sixty-six year old Paul Roach from Birch River in Nicholas County, West Virginia graduated in December 2013 with a Board of Regents Degree thanks to his veteranâs benefits. âI spent 23 years, 4 months, 2 days, 12 hours, and 16 minutes in the U.S. Army. Iâve been shot at, almost blown up by a bomb, and crashed in a C-5A Galaxy aircraft, but that was fun compared to what I had to do and write while attending Glenville State. But seriously, my time here has been fantastic. At the GSC Veterans Center, I had people I could really communicate with. They told me about the new ways, and I told them about the old,â said Roach, who plans to be a substitute teacher in Webster County.
GSC Registrar and Veteranâs Certifying Official Ann Reed stated, âI am currently developing fact sheets to aid veterans in attaining educational benefits. Itâs always a pleasure to provide critically needed information to help veterans attend Glenville State College, and I feel especially good when they thank me for all of my assistance.â
Along with the Yellow Ribbon program, GSC participates in the GoArmy Educational Tuition Association for active duty, reservists, and National Guard soldiers. There is also a designated space on campus for veterans to talk, support each other, gather, and exchange information.
Former Marine Jonathan Clark originally from Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania stated, âYellow Ribbon is why I came here. If youâre an out-of-state student, the program makes up the difference in tuition. Thatâs invaluable! Also, the GSC Veteranâs Club has given me a network of friends and peers. We sponsor an annual Veteranâs Military Ball, prepare packages for deployed vets, assist community veterans in attaining benefits and exploring educational opportunities and engage in a number of other campus-based and community veteran activities.â
For more information about using veteranâs benefits at GSC, contact Reed at Ann.Reed@glenville.edu or call (304) 462-6123.