FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 10, 2019
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College student Kristie Taylor will be serving as the field commander for the Pioneer ‘Wall of Sound’ Marching Band this semester. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Education degree, majoring in Music Education (PreK-adult), as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music. She hails from Clay, West Virginia and is the daughter of Nancy Taylor and Robert Taylor and Leilani Tucker.
“I am thrilled to be the field commander of the Marching Band for the 2019 season,” Taylor said.
She says that her inspiration for music comes from the music directors she had growing up. “Music is where I found my place. After beginning trumpet at an early age, I continued through band and various music ensembles all throughout my years of schooling. High school is when I decided I wanted to go into music education. My director had so many students in his ensembles - I got to experience how much he impacted their lives. That’s when I decided I wanted to use music to make a difference in the lives of children,” Taylor said.
Her primary instrument is trumpet, something she’s played since elementary school. She also spent time with a steel drum group in high school, plays horn during concert season, and sings occasionally.
“As field commander, I look forward to the learning opportunities that will be provided. This position gives you a small step in what it will be like as a band director one day. I plan to soak up as much knowledge as possible,” Taylor said. “I am looking forward to improving my conducting skills, while also learning more about writing drill and the behind-the-scenes work that comes with having a successful band.”
“The band is super excited about our field show this year! We plan to incorporate a lot of new things…and with a Disney Hits show, it is sure to be crowd-pleasing! We have some special surprises too, so we hope everyone keeps an eye out during the football games,” she said.
After graduating from GSC in Spring 2020, she hopes to find a teaching position at the junior high or high school level.
“Ms. Taylor is off to a great start as our field commander. She is a very hard-working, caring, and focused student who brings a lot of great ideas to the marching band,” said Marching Band Director Dr. Lloyd Bone.
After expressing interest in serving as field commander, applicants take part in an audition day where they try out in front of a guest adjudicator. Candidates are expected to conduct a prepared piece and also to answer questions in regard to band leadership.