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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 5, 2018
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Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GSC students (l-r) Ally Brown, Scott Wentz, and Kelly Weaver at 2018 Undergraduate Research Day at the West Virginia State Capitol
GLENVILLE, WV – The 15th annual Undergraduate Research Day was held in the West Virginia State Capitol rotunda on Friday, February 16. Undergraduate Research Day was sponsored by the WV Higher Education Policy Commission, West Virginia University, Marshall University, WVU Institute of Technology, and West Virginia State University.
Three GSC students, Scott Wentz, Ally Brown, and Kelly Weaver, were among the approximately ninety-five students from twelve colleges and universities throughout West Virginia who were selected to present their undergraduate research projects to members of the state legislature and other visitors. The event is designed to help state lawmakers understand the importance of undergraduate research by talking directly with the students whom the projects impact.
Wentz presented his research on the revision of Diastema, a flowering plant, within Central America. Brown presented her research on the role of increased temperature on the ECM related proteins of Aiptasia pallida, a species of sea anemone. Weaver presented on her research on construction and analysis of an improved bioluminescent expression vector in gram-negative bacteria. Weaver was also invited to introduce GSC’s delegation at the Undergraduate Research Day luncheon.
“We have top-notch students at Glenville State College and they did a wonderful job representing the College at the Capitol. The caliber of our students and the research opportunities provided to them was on full display and was especially noticeable through the diversity in the research presented. I also commend our faculty for spending the time semester after semester mentoring our students inside and outside of the classroom. Great students and wonderful faculty translates into excellent educational opportunities at Glenville State College,” said GSC Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Gary Morris.
The research that these students presented was a combination of studies that were completed on campus and in other lab environments. All three researchers were aided by an academic advisor at GSC. For more information about these research projects and programs of study in the Department of Science and Mathematics at Glenville State College, call (304) 462-4126.