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GLENVILLE, WV - The Glenville State College Early Education Student Group (EESG) hosted an evening of Dr. Seuss fun in recognition of the annual Read Across America Celebration for youngsters in Gilmer County.
Local children that attended got to hear Dr. Seuss stories, make arts and crafts, sample 'green eggs and ham,' and even meet the legendary Cat in the Hat. Education students in the EESG and members of GSC's Kappa Delta Pi group all participated in reading aloud to the children and leading a specific station that focused on a fun Dr. Seuss themed activity. Mark James with the campus Wesley Foundation led the evening by welcoming everyone with a story.
"The earlier we expose children to literacy, the more likely they are to excel in it. By connecting fun, educational activities to correspond with books that children like, we can instill a love of learning into their minds without them even realizing it. Our Dr. Seuss event is a great experience for the pre-service teachers too because it gives us the exposure of seeing children interacting in a very realistic way. We get to see how children react to the activities we have planned and whether they 'work' or not. I am proud to be a member of the GSC Early Education Student Group and also proud of these events. The children always seem to enjoy them just as much as we enjoy planning them," said Erica Perdue, president of the EESG and an Elementary Education major from Clay County, West Virginia.
The event, designed for young children ages preschool through second grade, is one in a long line of community events sponsored by the group. In the past, the students have organized reading-themed events ranging from 'Trick or Read' at Halloween to 'Polar Express' night in the winter. At the conclusion of the event each participant was given a children's book to take home.
Members and advisors of the EESG and KDP extend a special thanks to DeDe Frederick with Watch Me Grow Child Development Center in Glenville for her help and participation at the event.
Read Across America is a program of the National Education Association celebrated annually around Dr. Seuss's birthday on March 2nd. Dr. Seuss, a beloved children's book author, is famed for his use of rhyme to make books an effective tool for teaching young children the basic skills they need to be successful and develop a life-long love of reading. Events held in coordination with the program generate enthusiasm for reading nationwide and focus attention on how important it is to motivate children to read.
For more information about GSC's Early Education Student Group, contact co-advisor Connie Stout O'Dell at (304) 462-6209.