Glenville State College students and staff need help in finding local groups that need a little help of their own. GSC Student Activities Director Kipp Colvin says the college is looking for places in and around Glenville where new GSC students can engage in community enrichment projects. Colvin said, “Some examples are area agencies, churches, and businesses which may need work done such as painting, small trash removal, and cleaning or completing service learning projects.”
Last August, new Glenville State College students spent part of a day during freshmen orientation getting to know Gilmer County better by participating in various community service projects at places including Hospice Care and Gilmer County High School. The projects completed last year helped the college receive a national award from the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll.
GSC President Peter Barr says encouraging students to give back to their communities is among his many educational goals. “We must train students for jobs, but, at the same time, educate them to make the world a better place to live,” said Barr.
If your business, church, or agency has a job for GSC students who will be participating in the community enrichment projects, you may submit the ideas by Friday, July 11th. Please include your name, the name of your group, a contact address and phone number, and the type of work needed to be done. Submit the information to GSC Student Activities Director Kipp Colvin via e-mail at or by mail to 200 High Street, Glenville, WV 26351. You may also contact him by telephone at (304) 462-4114.