Spring 2016 Glenville State College Student Teacher Interns
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GLENVILLE, WV-Eighteen students have completed their student teaching internships for Glenville State College and are eligible to participate in GSC’s Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 7.
William Alderman
William Alderman completed his student teaching in Math Education (5-adult) at Calhoun County Middle/High School and Gilmer County High School with Natalie White and Kelly Barr. Dr. Shara Curry, Dr. John Taylor, and Joseph Wood were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Eric and Diane Alderman of Looneyville, West Virginia.
Casey Burdette
Casey Burdette completed his student teaching in Social Studies (5-adult) at Braxton County High School and Clay County Middle School with Jerry Frame and Brittany McGowen Dolly. Dr. Shara Curry was his GSC Supervisor. He is the son of Jimmy and Kristi Burdette of Clay, West Virginia and the grandson of Nancy and Jacke Cottrell of Newton, West Virginia.
Cody Carnefix
Cody Carnefix completed his student teaching in English Education (5-adult) and Social Studies (5-adult) at Gilmer County High School with Michelle Raines and Lindsay Bush. Dr. Melody Wise and Donald Sheets were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Darren and Allison Carnefix of Liberty, West Virginia.
Sarah Cody
Sarah Cody completed her student teaching in Early Education (PreK-K), Elementary Education (K-6), and Multi-Caterorial Education (K-6) at Sand Fork Elementary School and Glenville Elementary School with Leslie Campbell and Julie Perrin. Dr. Tara Cosco and Dr. Shelly Ratliff were her GSC Supervisors. She is the daughter of Kim and Joel Hypes of Summersville, West Virginia. She currently resides with her husband Johnathan in Summersville, West Virginia. Cody was also named Outstanding Student Teacher of the spring semester by the education honor society Kappa Delta Pi.
Samantha Fulks
Samantha Fulks completed her student teaching in Math Education (5-adult) at Calhoun County Middle/High School and Gilmer County High School with Terry Jones and Rick Kinder. Dr. Shara Curry, Dr. John Taylor, and Joseph Wood were her GSC Supervisors. She is the daughter of Herald ‘Glen’ and Trevia Fulks (Jr.) of Millstone, West Virginia.
Robert Hensley
Robert Hensley completed his student teaching in Math Education (5-adult) at Gilmer County High School with Brittany Duelley and Tracy Ferguson. Don Sheets and Joseph Wood were his GSC Supervisors. He is the son of Carol Hensley of Dundalk, Maryland and currently resides with his wife Allegra in Glenville, West Virginia.
Chelsea Hines
Chelsea Hines completed her student teaching in Health and Physical Education (PreK-adult) at Gilmer County High School and Glenville Elementary School with Amy Chapman and Diane Sharpes. Janet Bailey and Donald Sheets were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Tim and Leann Kerns of Jane Lew, West Virginia. She currently resides with her husband Robert and son Parker in Weston, West Virginia.
Dancey Howes
Dancey Howes completed her student teaching in Early Education (PreK-K), Elementary Education (K-6), and Multi-Categorical Education (K-6) at Leading Creek Elementary School with Lora Chapman and Melissa Wood. Dr. Shelly Ratliff and Dr. John Taylor were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Mark and Kennetha Howes of Hacker Valley, West Virginia.
Melissa Jones
Melissa Jones completed her student teaching in English Education (5-adult) at Braxton County Middle School and Braxton County High School with Judith Boyce and Sharon Desper. Dr. Melody Wise and Frances Fry were her GSC Supervisors. She is the daughter of Roger Hypes and Marie Pierson of Summersville, West Virginia. She currently resides in Summersville, West Virginia with her significant other Allen Walton and her son Ben.
Ben Neal
Benjamin Neal completed his student teaching in Music Education (PreK-adult) at Arnoldsburg Elementary School, Pleasant Hill Elementary School, and Liberty High School with John Bugby and Tom Day. Dr. Shara Curry, Dr. John Taylor, and Dr. David Lewis were his GSC Supervisors. He is the son of Timothy and Patricia Neal of Mount Nebo, West Virginia.
Rachel Morris
Rachel Morris completed her student teaching in Early Education (PreK-K) and Elementary Education (K-6) at Glenville Elementary School with Nicole Moyers and Tamera Moore. Connie Stout O’Dell and Don Sheets were her GSC Supervisors. She is the daughter of Bill and Kendi Morris of Bidwell, Ohio and is engaged to Aaron Parsons of Harrisville, West Virginia.
Joseph Overbaugh
Joseph Overbaugh completed his student teaching in General Science (5-adult) at Braxton County High School and Braxton County Middle School with Shawn Crow and Jenny Miller. Dr. Shara Curry was his GSC Supervisor. He is the son of James and Ada Overbaugh of Mount Zion, West Virginia.
Erica Perdue
Erica Perdue completed her student teaching in Early Education (PreK-K) and Elementary Education (K-6) at Burnsville Elementary School with Patty Montgomery and Joyce Stump. Frances Fry was her GSC Supervisor. She is the daughter of Eric and Vicky Perdue of Clay, West Virginia. She currently resides in Burnsville, West Virginia with her fiancée Lucas Smith.
Annetta Snyder
Annetta Snyder completed her student teaching in English Education (5-adult) at Braxton County Middle School and Braxton County High School with James King and Janis Collins. Her GSC Supervisors were Frances Fry and Dr. Melody Wise. She is the daughter of Mike and Charlene Snyder of Stouts Mills, West Virginia. She currently resides with her son Sebastian in Stouts Mills.
Abigail Stalnaker
Abigail Stalnaker completed her student teaching in Early Education (PreK-K) and Elementary Education (K-6) at Glenville Elementary School with Leigh Kinder, Teresa Skinner, and Amber Frashure. Dr. Shelly Ratliff, Connie Stout O’Dell, and Don Sheets were her GSC Supervisors. She is the daughter of David and Judy Stalnaker of Glenville, West Virginia.
Ben Stingo
Benjamin Stingo completed his student teaching in Music Education (PreK-adult) at Calhoun County Middle/High School and Glenville, Sand Fork, and Normantown Elementary Schools with Logan Rhodes and Judy Leggett. Dr. Shara Curry and Dr. David Lewis were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Kevin and Elizabeth Stingo of Buckhannon, West Virginia.
Julia Stull
Julia Stull completed her student teaching in Early Education (PreK-K) and Elementary Education (K-6) at Summersville Elementary School with Jill Sweeney and Erin Thomas. Frances Fry was her GSC Supervisor. She is the daughter of Kenneth and Diana Barnett of Summersville, West Virginia. She currently resides with her children Bryer and Ellie Stull and Kenneth Sales Jr. in Summersville, West Virginia.
Curtis Sutphin
Curtis Sutphin completed his student teaching in Music Education (PreK-adult) at Buckhannon-Upshur High School, Roanoke Elementary School, and Leading Creek Elementary with Jermiah Smallridge, Garrett Friend, and Whitney Ballard. Dr. John Taylor and Dr. David Lewis were his GSC Supervisors. He is a native of Van, West Virginia.
Senior teacher education students take part in an internship during their final semester at GSC. At the conclusion of their internship students must complete a presentation illustrating their mastery of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards as well as the standards of their particular area of study.
For more information about the Teacher Education Program at Glenville State College, contact (304) 462-4119.