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Glenville, WV – Twenty-six students have completed their student teaching internships for Glenville State College and participated in GSC’s May Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 5.

Jessica Bird of Summersville, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Gauley River Elementary School with Rose Gordon and Teresa Brown. Frances Fry was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Douglas McClung, Shelly Bird, and Sara McClung of Summersville, West Virginia.

Virginia (Swift) Bruce of Riverton, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Social Studies Education (5-adult) at Braxton County Middle School and Braxton County High School with Lori Dittman and Jerry Frame. Frances Fry and Dr. Michael Gherke were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Gena Harper and Joel Swift of Riverton, West Virginia. She currently resides in Brandywine, West Virginia with her husband Eric.

Catherine Chambers of Parsons, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Math Education (5-adult) at Gilmer County High School with Brittany Duelley and Kelly Barr. Don Sheets and Joseph Wood were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Margaret and Matthew Chambers of Parsons, West Virginia.

Madison Cunningham of Smithville, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Multi-Categorical Special Education (K-6) at Pleasant Hill Elementary School and Harrisville Elementary School with Patty Haught and Michelle Layfield. Dr. Crystal Smith was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Jennifer and J.D. Cunningham of Smithville, West Virginia. She was also named Outstanding Student Teacher of the spring semester by the education honor society Kappa Delta Pi.

Bobby Davis of Fairdale, West Virginia completed his student teaching in Music Education (PreK-adult) at Lewis County High School, Arnoldsburg Elementary School, and Pleasant Hill Elementary School with Allen Heath and John Bugby. Dr. Kevin Cain and Dr. David Lewis were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Dennis and Tammy Richardson of Oak Hill, West Virginia. He is currently engaged to his fiancé, Faith Smith.

Jessica Fiber of Sistersville, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Waverly Elementary School with Renee Kornmiller and Shelly Wooldridge. Dr. Shelly Ratliff was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Sherri and John Fiber and is currently engaged to her fiancé, Tyler Knox.

Madison Frame of Birch River, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Birch River Elementary with April Davis and Ronnie Porter. Frances Fry was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of JB and Paula Frame of Birch River, West Virginia.

Morgan Francis of Summersville, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Summersville Elementary School with Beverly Rylant and Michelle Hicks. Frances Fry was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter Michael and Angela Francis of Summersville, West Virginia.

Raven Greer of Fulks Run, Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Gilmer County Elementary School with Vickie Allman and Amber Frashure. Dr. Shelly Ratliff was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Steven and Rachel Thompson of Fulks Run, Virginia.

Julie Gross of Iydale, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Davis Elementary School with Melissa Duckworth and Jeanne Harris. Frances Fry was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Paul and Julia Belcher of Elkview, West Virginia. She currently resides in Ivydale with her husband Matt. She has six children: Ashley, Tate, Cody, Chrissa, Jaxon, and Miranda.

Michaela Gumm of Glenville, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Gilmer County Elementary School with Janet Coombs and Ronnie Facemire. Dr. Shelly Ratliff was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of John and Rolanna Gumm of Glenville, West Virginia.

Matthew Hayes of Walton, West Virginia completed his student teaching in Social Studies Education (5-adult) at Spencer Middle School and Wirt County High School with Missy Fisher and Isaac Goff. Dr. Kevin Cain and Dr. Michael Gherke were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Tammy and Ed Huffman and the late Jeff Hayes of Walton, West Virginia.

Matthew Herrald of Weston, West Virginia completed his student teaching in Social Studies Education (5-adult) at Gilmer County High School with McKinley Buckley and Karen MacClain. Dr. Shara Curry and Dr. Michael Gherke were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Mary Sue Taylor and William E. Herrald of Weston, West Virginia.

Brittany Huffman of Franklin, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Multi-Categorical Special Education (K-6) at Franklin Elementary School with Heidi Smith and Rebecca Schlaegel. Dr. Crystal Smith was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of John and Lori Huffman of Franklin, West Virginia.

Jessica Layne of Winfield, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Multi-Categorical Special Education (K-6) at Gilmer County Elementary School with Vada Woodford and Tina Foster. Don Sheets and Dr. Crystal Smith were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Karen and Terry Layne of Winfield, West Virginia.

Kaitlyn (Murphy) Peyatt of Summersville, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Biology (9-adult) at Gilmer County High School with Willard Wright. Dr. Jeff Hunter and Dr. Don Sheets were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of James and Robin Murphy of Summersville, West Virginia. She currently resides in Summersville with her husband Eric.

Megan Ruppert of Salem, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Music Education (PreK-adult) at Lincoln Middle and High School and Wilsonburg, Salem, Adamston, and Northview Elementary Schools with Fred and Julie Channell and Joseph Jedju. Dr. Kevin Cain and Dr. David Lewis were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Timothy and Beverly Ruppert of Salem, West Virginia.

Autumn Siminski of Summersville, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and English Education (5-9) at Gilmer County High School and Gilmer County Elementary School with Kristin Smith and Kim Cottrill. Don Sheets and Dr. Melody Wise were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter Daniel and Bristol Siminski of Summersville, West Virginia.

Randy Stiers of Gassaway, West Virginia completed his student teaching in English Education (5-adult) at Gilmer County High School with Michele Raines and Grace Wine. Don Sheets and Dr. Melody Wise were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Roger and Lana Yeager of Gassaway, WV.

Sebastian Swartz of Louisville, Ohio completed his student teaching in Chemistry and Physics Education (9-adult) at Lewis County High School with Pam Heaster and Samantha Rodgers. Dr. Shara Curry and Dr. Jeff Hunter were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Annetta Snyder of Glenville, West Virginia and Dave Swartz of Tampa Bay, Florida.

Erica Toler of Little Birch, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Little Birch Elementary with Melinda Wilson and Rebecca Denuzzo. Dr. Shelly Ratliff was her GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Mike Hudson of Charleston, West Virginia and Gail Sandoval of Milton, West Virginia. She currently resides in Little Birch with her husband Ben and three children, Tyler, Emily, and Brady.

Kelsie Tonkin of Sutton, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6), Early Education (PreK-K), and Multi-Categorical Special Education (K-6) at Gilmer County Elementary with Nicole Moyers and Leslie Campbell. Dr. Shelly Ratliff and Dr. Crystal Smith were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Glenn and Judy Tonkin of Sutton, West Virginia. She currently resides in Glenville with her husband Brod Boswell.

Lindsey Travis of New Milton, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Music Education (PreK-adult) at Peterson-Central Elementary School and Buckhannon-Upshur High School with Andrea Heath, Jeremiah Smallridge, and Garrett Friend. Dr. Kevin Cain and Dr. David Lewis were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Marvin ‘Smokey’ and Robin Travis of New Milton, West Virginia.

Elania White of Normantown, West Virginia completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and English Education (5-9) at Leading Creek Elementary and Robert L. Bland Middle School with Kim Smith and Tara Wine-Queen. Dr. Shelly Ratliff and Dr. Melody Wise were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Nelson and Tina White of Normantown, West Virginia. She is currently engaged to her fiancé Kevin Rhoades.

Rebecca Wiseman of Elkview, West Virginia completed her student teaching in English Education (5-adult) at Braxton County High School and Geary Elementary/Middle School with Janis Collins and Lea Ashby. Dr. Shelly Ratliff, Dr. Melody Wise, and Frances Fry were her GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of David and Sandra Wiseman of Elkview, West Virginia. She currently resides in Left Hand with her husband Mathew Keaton and daughter Macie.
Senior teacher education students take part in an internship during their final semester at GSC. At the conclusion of their internship students must complete a presentation illustrating their mastery of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards as well as the standards of their particular area of study.
For more information about the Teacher Education Program at Glenville State College, contact (304) 462-4119.
Note: At their request, one of the graduates is not listed in this article.