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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 3, 2014
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Office
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV – Glenville State College Assistant Professor of Education Shelly Ratliff has wrapped up six years' of effort on her doctoral degree and successfully defended her dissertation at Marshall University. Ratliff, who began her teaching career in Calhoun County, has been an instructor at GSC for nearly six years. Her dissertation is titled 'A Study of Kindergarten Teachers' Ability to Teach the Kindergarten Informational Text Standards in Fifteen West Virginia School Districts.'
"I began pursuing my doctorate in Curriculum & Instruction with an emphasis in literacy in spring 2009. Initially, I took course work but for the past 20 months I have been writing my dissertation and collecting data. The data collection consisted of sending surveys to kindergarten teachers, conducting telephone interviews, and doing classroom observations," said Ratliff.
"I would like to thank the Education Department at GSC for being so supportive and encouraging me from the beginning. I also would like to credit my parents, Don, a 1972 GSC graduate, and Susie Sheets, and my family for their support and encouragement," she continued.
Ratliff's doctoral degree will be officially conferred at the MU graduation ceremony in December. She also is a 2002 graduate of Glenville State College where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with specialties in English Education, Elementary Education, and Early Education. She received her Master’s Degree from Marshall University with a focus in Reading. She resides in Glenville (Gilmer County), West Virginia with her husband, Jon, and daughter, Brooklyn.