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GLENVILLE, WV â Twenty-two upcoming Glenville State College freshmen from throughout West Virginia and three continuing students have been awarded scholarships from the GSC Foundation for the 2015-2016 academic school year.
Berkeley County resident Desiree Payne of Hedgesville received the Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in general science.
Braxton County residents among the scholarship recipients include: Emily Bleigh of Sutton and Logan Stump of Gassaway. Both received the Lorena Hefner Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. Bleigh will be majoring in accounting and is the daughter of Regina Bleigh. Stump will be enrolled in a four year undeclared program and is the daughter of Larry Stump and Kim Dennison.
Calhoun County residents among the scholarship recipients include: Autumn Cunningham of Big Bend and Erica Jones of Big Springs. Cunningham received the Leonard and Gladys Marshall Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in behavioral science. Jones received the 2014 Queen Flora Pageant Scholarship, Jean Adams Smith Scholarship, Gracie Viola Bosley Scholarship, General Meritorious Scholarship, John C. Shaw Scholarship, and Honors Academic Scholarship. Additionally, Sarah Lane of Arnoldsburg received the Emma Gale Reynolds Hedrick Scholarship. Lane is a senior at GSC majoring in elementary education and is the daughter of Maxine Lane.
Fayette County resident and GSC junior Kennedy Cochran received the Dr. Richard N. Butler Memorial Scholarship. She is majoring in elementary education and is the daughter of Clinton and Lisa Cochran.
Gilmer County residents among the scholarship recipients include: Matthew Montgomery of Linn and Katelyn Benson, Sharon McCumbers, Trevor Wright, and Clair Gilbert, all of Glenville. Montgomery received the Fred H. and Lucy Francis Killingsworth Scholarship, Gilbert Reed Scholarship, Herman W. Vannoy Scholarship, Howard Burk Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He will be majoring in chemistry and is the son of Mark and Charlene Montgomery. Benson received the Espy W. Miller and Rosales Poling Miller Scholarship, the John C. Shaw Scholarship, and the Honors Academic Scholarship. She will be majoring in English and is the daughter of Neal and Renita Benson. McCumbers received the Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship, William Torlidas Scholarship, Earle Bennett Scholarship, John C. Shaw Scholarship and Fine Arts Education Scholarship. She will be majoring in music. Wright received the Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship, the Robert Leroy Davis Scholarship, John C. Shaw Scholarship and the Fine Arts Education Scholarship. He will be majoring in social studies education and is the son of Willard and Michelle Wright. Additionally, GSC senior Clair Gilbert received the Virginia West English Scholarship. She is majoring in English and is the daughter of Tom and Kathy Gilbert.
Jackson County resident Clayton Swisher of Ripley received the Fine Arts Education Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He will be majoring in music and is the son of Greg and Melanie Swisher.
Kanawha County resident Maura James of Saint Albans received the Honors Academic Scholarship, the Dr. Paul and Virginia Caltriader Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in chemistry and is the daughter of Scott and Rebecca James.
Lewis County resident Mitchell Queen of Weston received the John and Ida Warder Ray Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He will be majoring in natural resource management and is the son of Stony and Deborah Queen.
Logan County resident Megan Thompson of Chapmanville received the Fine Arts Education Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in music and is the daughter of Chris and Heather Thompson.
Nicholas County residents among the scholarship recipients include: Ashley Mangold and Justin Woods of Summersville and Daniel Bailey of Craigsville. Mangold received the Honors Academic Scholarship. She will be majoring in behavioral science and is the daughter of Brent and Tracey Cavendish. Woods received the Joel T. and Grace March Creasy Scholarship, the Nicholas and Pocahontas Counties Scholarship, GSC Board of Governors Scholarship, Academic Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He will be majoring in biology. Bailey received the Fine Arts Education Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in music and is the daughter of Jennifer Bailey.
Raleigh County residents among the scholarship recipients include: Briannah Todd of Lester and Luke Carpenter of Glen Daniel. Todd received the Gracie Viola Bosley Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in history and political science and is the daughter of Brian Todd. Carpenter received the General Meritorious Scholarship, the Honors Academic Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He will be majoring in accounting and is the son of Kevin and Kimberly Carpenter.
Roane County residents receiving scholarships included: Cassidy Taylor of Newton and Karlee Nutter of Spencer. Taylor received the Stephen S. and Carolyn Dotson Taylor Scholarship, Ella Murray Orr Scholarship, Virginia Smith Hamric Memorial Scholarship, Lela Brooks Baily Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in multi-categorical special education and is the daughter of Ron and Marilyn Taylor. Nutter received the 2013 Nicholas County Fourth of July Jamboree Teen Queen Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in business and is the daughter of Kevin and Phyllis Nutter.
Tucker County resident Catherine Chambers of Parsons received the Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship and John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in math and is the daughter of Margaret Chambers.
Wood County resident Taylor Broadwater of Vienna received the General Meritorious Scholarship, the D. Banks Wilburn Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in health promotion and is the daughter of Terri Broadwater.
The Lorena Hefner Scholarship is named for Lorena Hefner who was born on September 3, 1908 in Burnsville, West Virginia and was one of eleven children. She graduated from GSC in 1941 and began her teaching career in Braxton County at the Bragg Run School. While never forgetting her roots, she established the Lorena Hefner Scholarship for students attending Glenville State College who are from Braxton County.
The John C. Shaw Scholarship was established in 1985 by John C. Shaw, who was the President of Glenville State College from 1901-1908. This scholarship is awarded to academically talented freshmen from West Virginia.
The Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship was established by the two sisters in 1997 to show appreciation for the education that they received from GSC. The scholarship is awarded to students who are entering, or who are already enrolled in, the teacher education program at Glenville State College who show academic promise.
The Leonard and Gladys Marshall Scholarship was established in 1998 through the generosity of Leonard B. and Gladys (Tripett) Marshall. Graduates of Calhoun County High School receive financial assistance through this scholarship. Students must demonstrate academic promise and have financial need.
The Jean Adams Smith Memorial Scholarship was established in 1996 by Dr. David W. Smith and the family and friends of Jean Adams Smith to provide scholarships to students from central West Virginia majoring in Early Childhood Education. Preference is given to students from Gilmer County.
The Gracie Viola Bosely Scholarship was established in 2005 by the estate of Gracie Viola Bosely. Applicants are required to submit an essay to the Scholarship Committee for review. Awards are made in the following priority: graduates of Grafton High School, other Taylor County residents, and then any other West Virginia resident.
The Meritorious Scholarship Fund was established through the GSC Foundation to award scholarships on the basis of academic qualifications.
The Honors Academic Scholarship is a component of the GSC Honors Program and is designed to help selected students develop scholarship, creativity, critical thinking, leadership, civic engagement, and academic enrichment in the classroom and beyond. To be eligible, students must have an ACT composite score of 24 or higher and a cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 or higher. Students who successfully complete the GSC Honors Program will receive special distinction on their transcripts and during graduation ceremonies.
The Emma Gale Reynolds Hedrick Scholarship was established in 1999 to support students of Glenville State College. The recipient must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average and show promise of leadership. Scholarship recipients must plan to pursue a teaching career in elementary education and have the support of at least three Glenville State College faculty members.
The Richard N. Butler Memorial Scholarship was established in 2009 in recognition of Butler's commitment to education and the preparation of teachers. It is to be awarded annually to an outstanding third year teacher education student at Glenville State College and will to be chosen by the teacher education faculty. The scholarship can be renewed if the student remains academically qualified in their senior year.
The Espy W. Miller and Rosalea Poling Miller Scholarship was established in 2011 to honor the memories of the late Dr. and Mrs. Espy Miller. Dr. Miller retired from GSC in 1976 after 30 years of service. He was Chair of the Department of English and Foreign Language. She was also an educator in Gilmer County. The scholarship is awarded to a Gilmer County High School graduate in the upper one-third of their graduating class. The student must be an English or English Education major at GSC and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. This scholarship will fund the difference between the student's available aid package and actual full costs including tuition, room and board, books, and other fees. Because these students will more than likely reside in Gilmer County, if the students choose to commute, then a stipend for transportation will be paid each semester.
The Fred H. and Lucy Francis Killingsworth Scholarship fund was established in 2000 to be used for educational purposes and granted to worthy students chosen by the Glenville State College Scholarship Committee. Preference is given to students who reside in Gilmer County.
The Gilbert Reed Scholarship was established in 1981 by Mr. Reedâs wife, Gladys and other family and friends. It was meant to honor his commitment to the young people of central West Virginia as a friend, teacher, and principal. The scholarship is given to students from Gilmer or Braxton counties who have unmet financial need.
The Herman W. Vannoy Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 by his wife, Viola Virginia Vannoy and two sons, Robert R. and Donald C. Vannoy. Herman W. Vannoy graduated from Glenville State College in 1934. While at GSC, he excelled on the football team. Mr. Vannoy had fond memories of his time on campus and wished to give other students an opportunity to obtain a higher education and participate in sports. Recipients for this scholarship must be from either Ritchie or Gilmer County.
The Howard Burk Scholarship was established in 2009 in memory of A.M. Burk who taught for 25 terms at Gilmer County High School and in memory of Cora D. Burk. This scholarship supports graduates of GCHS who are pursuing coursework in pre-engineering or pre-medicine at Glenville State College.
The William Torlidas Scholarship was established in 2008 by Mr. Torlidas' daughter to honor his long career in education administration. Mr. Torlidas, a 1951 GSC graduate, retired after many years as Superintendent of Schools in South Park, Pennsylvania. This scholarship is for any student with financial need.
The Earle W. Bennett Memorial Scholarship was established in 1990 in memory of Earle W. Bennett who attended Glenville Normal School from 1911 to 1914.
The Robert Leroy Davis Scholarship was established in 1992 to support students graduating from Gilmer County High School with preference given to mature students coming back to school who want to be teachers. This fund was established by Oleta Collins Davis.
The Virginia West English Scholarship was established in 1998 to honor Miss Virginia West, Professor Emeritus, who served as Professor of English and Chairwoman of the Language Division at Glenville State College. The recipient must be an upperclassman majoring in education who shows academic potential, demonstrates leadership abilities, and is ready to enter the student internship.
The Dr. Paul G. and Virginia Caltrider Scholarship was established in 1998 by Dr. Caltrider who was a 1956 graduate of Glenville State. Because of his âfond memories, the quality of education provided by the institution, and the interest and encouragement received by the faculty,â Dr. Caltrider and his wife, Virginia, established a scholarship to benefit WV students in the Science and Math Department.
The John Warder Ray Scholarship fund was established in 1992 in memory of John Warder Ray by Ida Warder Ray. Its purpose is to support worthy, talented, industrious, and needy students graduating from Lewis County High School in Weston, West Virginia.
The Joel T. and Grace Marsh Creasy Scholarship was established in 1998 by Joel T. and Grace Marsh Creasy who graduated from Glenville State College in 1948 and 1954, respectively. This scholarship is to be awarded to students graduating from Richwood and Nicholas County High Schools.
The Nicholas and Pocahontas Counties Scholarship fund was established in 1979 by John H. and Ann H. McCutcheon of Summersville, West Virginia. The scholarship is awarded to deserving and needy students who have graduated high school (or its equivalent) in Nicholas and Pocahontas Counties.
The Stephen S. and Carolyn Dotson Taylor Scholarship was established in 1996. This endowed scholarship provides assistance to students who attend Glenville State College; with first priority given to students from Roane and Ritchie Counties, then Gilmer, Doddridge, and Calhoun Counties. Academic promise and financial need, as well as participation in high school, extra-curricular, community, and church activities are all taken into consideration. The scholarship is renewable for four years given that the student demonstrates acceptable academic performance.
The Ella Murray Orr Scholarship was established in 1985 in memory of Ella Murray Orr for scholarships to be used in her field of special education. Mrs. Orr was a 1934 graduate of Glenville State College.
The Virginia Smith Hamric Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 in memory of Mrs. Hamric by her husband, Edward. It is awarded to a student majoring in Elementary Education, with preference given to students from Roane County and the surrounding area.
The Lela Brooks-Bailey Scholarship was established by Ms. Bailey, a 1953 GSC graduate, to repay the debt of gratitude she feels for the opportunities she gained in life from her education at Glenville State. It is intended for a West Virginia student majoring in education.
The D. Banks Wilburn Scholarship fund was established in 1977 by Dr. Berlin Chapman to honor Dr. D. Banks Wilburn who retired from Glenville State College having served 13 years as president and providing 42 years of service to the public education system in West Virginia. This fund supports special college activities, scholarships, and faculty/staff development. Special consideration is given to Health and Physical Education majors.
For more information about Glenville State College Scholarships, contact the GSC Foundation at (304) 462-6380.