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For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department Assistant
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361x7610
Glenville, WV—The Glenville State College Forest Technology Program recently received continued recognition from the Society of American Foresters. SAF is the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in the United States. SAF grants recognition to educational programs leading to a two-year Associate Degree in Forest Technology. Recognized curricula are periodically reviewed to insure that they adhere to SFA standards. The Forest Technology Program at GSC has been continually recognized by the SFA since 1987.
“Recognition by the Society of American Foresters is important to GSC and graduates of our program. Students interested in forestry look for a school with a SAF recognized degree program. The forestry industry looks to graduates of schools with SAF recognition to find qualified employees,” said Rick Sypolt, Department Chair and Professor of Forestry and Land Surveying at GSC.
GSC is the only college or university in West Virginia that has received SAF recognition. The GSC Forest Technology Program is one of only twenty-three in the United States that has been recognized by the Society of American Foresters.
“The GSC Forest Technology program is a premier program for West Virginia. Responsive to the needs of West Virginia, our program provides the forestry industry with well prepared graduates who not only have a wealth of knowledge but also the hands-on skill training to be some of the most sought-after graduates of a program of this kind. We are very proud of our forest technology program, the faculty and staff, and students. The Society of American Foresters recognition validates what we have known for some time, that the GSC program is absolutely one of the best forestry programs in the nation,” said Dr. Kathy Butler, Provost and Senior Vice President.
For more information about the GSC Forestry Program, contact Sypolt at (304) 462-7361 ext. 7371.