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Glenville State College
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(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College will begin offering a new certificate program this fall. The new Certificate in Right-of-Way was developed in partnership with the Right-of-Way Division of West Virginia’s Division of Highways.
“The program consists of 26 credits with 20 credits that are completely online courses. The rest of the six credits are hybrid or blended courses combining the traditional face-to-face and online learning. This program is mainly for those in the landman profession, particularly those who are interested in energy and land use development, management, and planning,” said Dr. Rico Gazal, Department Head of Department of Land Resources.
The Certificate in Right-of-Way is designed to prepare students for work in the landman profession with a primary focus on property descriptions and interpretation, title abstracting, boundary surveying methods and laws, energy resource laws, elementary surveying measurements and computations, and business communication and professional development. The students will also be familiar with both computer mapping systems utilizing Cartographic and Geographic Information System software. Those who complete the certificate will be qualified to apply for entry-level positions in the workforce of the land management and right-of-way fields. Skills and knowledge obtained from the coursework at GSC would enable them to advance within the employing company.
The program includes the following course requirements for a total of 26 credit hours: Applied Business Communications (3 credits, online course); Dimensions in Professional Development (3 credits, online course); Introduction to Land Surveying (3 credits, hybrid course); Land Survey Descriptions, Interpretation & Writing (2 credits, online course); Land Survey Boundary Law (3 credits, online course); Land Titles & Abstracting (3 credits, hybrid course); Computer Assisted Mapping (3 credits, online course); GIS Applications I (3 credits, online course); and Energy Resource Law (3 credits, online course).
For more information about this or other Department of Land Resources academic programs at Glenville State College, email land.resources@glenville.edu or call (304) 462-6370.